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"and that's our last tree for today," i smiled after taking a picture of it. "we should get back to the main camp now. it's getting late."

"agreed. lets take the trail again. i don't think crossing the creek would be a good idea," taehyung said. "after you first."

i smiled and started to walk up the elevated ground with a few rocks placed in random places.

"be careful where you step. it's a bit rocky in this area," taehyung as he followed from behind me.

"got it."

i managed to carefully step over a couple of rigged rocks that must have been eroded from waters that might have flown this way.

"you can probably walk and climb a bit faster. your butt is near my face," he said.

i stopped and looked down at him. "pervert," i spat.

i finally made it at the top of the hill along with taehyung struggling from behind. and then i saw the trail.

"there's the hiking trail," i said to him.

"quick, lets go," taehyung said as he took my hand.

i was taken aback from his sudden action but followed him. his grip on my hand was tight enough for him not to let go. we slightly ran down the elevated hit and finally came to the hiking trail.

my heart slowly slowed down its pace as we walked calmly once more.

"uh... taehyung?"
"uh, your hand."

he looked down at our hands when he suddenly gasped and had let go of mine.

"er, sorry. i just like, uh, holding hands with people a lot," he quickly said. i couldn't help but chuckle softly.

"hm, i can see that," i chuckled. i saw him flush in embarrassment as he turned looking at the ground. the walk from that point to the camp became awkward. so i tried to make up something.

"so do you like gwangju art school?" i asked him.

"mm, it's suitable," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"have you every read comic books?" i asked.

"would you believe me if i said no?"

i looked at him in a shocking matter. "you're kidding."

he shook his head. "i'm not... but i know jeongguk reads some."

"man, your life must suck," i said shaking my head.

"maybe before. but thanks to you, it doesn't," he smiled.

shyly looking at him, i made a confused expression. "what do you mean?"

he must have realized what he said because at that point he looked ahead and pointed, "oh, look! there's the camp! quick, lets go find food. i'm starving!"

he quickly ran as fast as he legs could carry him. i couldn't help but laugh.

oh, taehyung. i can see it right through you.

"i told you we should have taken a picture of the small chipmunk. we would have completed our journal if we just did that," jihee said punching jimin's shoulder.

"if we had gotten closer to it, it would have ran away!" jimin said back across the table.

"it still ran away you idiot!" jihee said glaring at him.

"you two might as well just get married considering the amount of bickering between you two," seokjin commented.

"seokjin's right. you two are the perfect matchu," hoseok grinned.

"miyeon, back me up here," jihee said whiningly.

i was caught eating a spoonful of rice before innocently turning to look at her. once i finished chewing, i swallowed the food down. "er, sorry jihee-ah. i have to agree with them," i said giving her a small smile.

the rest of the guys gave small laughs and nodded their head in approval as jimin and jihee shyly looked away.

"so who partnered up with who?" i asked them.

"so it was seokjin and jeongguk. and then, it was hoseok, yoongi, and i," namjoon said.

"cool. what did you guys find?" i asked.

"not much. we got some trees," hoseok smiled proudly. "pretty much i was tagging along," yoongi softly said.

"what they mean is that they were just playing around.. didn't even get half of the assignment finished," seokjin said, shaking his head in disapproval.

"sounds about right," jeongguk softly said.

"yah! we weren't!" namjoon exclaimed.

i couldn't help but laugh to myself.

"so you guys must have been long term friends, huh?" jihee started up another topic.

"way too long, yes," yoongi said leaning onto the wooden table.

"aww, but you love us," hoseok cutely said as he wrapped his arm around him.

for the first time, yoongi pouted making a disgusted face at him as he tried scooting away.

"so do you girls have anyone you're interested in?" namjoon suddenly asked.

jimin grinned and bashful fluttered his eyelids at jihee, but she only lookes at him in disgust, scooting away from him like he had some sort of disease. "no," she plainly said, causing jimin to look sadly at her.

"lies! she loves me," jimin said quickly.

"i do not!" she said raising her voice slightly.

shyly, i looked down at the food in front of me. i could feel taehyung's eyes on me

"and you miyeon?" namjoon asked smiling at me.

i took me a good few seconds before i spoke up. "i'd rather not say."

"ayeeeeee," hoseok said 'tching' me.

i looked up back again and saw they all had their eyes staring at me.

"it's okay, you can tell us," jeongguk said.

do i?

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