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jihee squealed in excitement as she sat next to me in science class. "a camping trip!" she said excitedly as she clapped her hands.

i looked at the pictures of the mammals in the science book in front of me when it suddenly was closed shut.

"miyeon! at least show some excitement," jihee said looking at me pouting slightly.

"i'm sorry, but there will be mosquitoes. i hate them," i said while leaning back in my chair.

"then, i'll be sure to bring a bug net. come on, it'll be fun! we'll bunk in the same tent," jihee said.

during pe class, jihee could not stop talking about the whole camping trip. apparently, it was part of our science class experience. we had to classify four different plants, five different species that we can find, and then four trees.

"ms. yun said we had to take pictures of them and paste them onto our science journals," jihee said.

"i've never seen you so excited for some camping trip," i said chuckling slightly as we walked together along the track.

"as far as i know, all the science classes are going."

"really?" i asked. jihee gave a nod of her head.

the science camping trip was in two days. honestly, i was a bit sketchy about the whole camping trip. one was because of the darn mosquitoes! i seriously hate them. last spring, i remember i got bit from so many mosquitoes causing an allergic reaction. i will never forget that horrid experience.

"miyeon!" jihee said.

i shook my head as i looked at her. "what?"

"i said, what are you planning to wear?" she asked.

"clothes," i plainly replied.

jihee gave me a deadly glare before she punched my arm.

"um, oW!" i said looking at her.

"i said what are you wearing?"

"anything that will cover up my skin," i told her.

"but it'll be hot."
"it's better than getting bit by millions of mosquitoes."

jihee gave a shake of her head while looking me and then chuckled. "race you!" she shouted and then dashed ahead.

instantly, i ran after her, the adrenaline pumping throughout my body made my legs suddenly ache in pain after some minutes later.

in the end, jihee won which is pretty accurate since she was the athletic one. i panted heavily and tried catching my breath.

"you still got it," i said in between breaths. jihee, who was also breathing heavily, chuckled.

just then, the coach blew her whistle signaling everyone that it was time to change back into our clothes.

"hey, don't forget to get your permission slip signed!" jihee called out.

"i won't!"

after we changed back into our regular clothes, we went our separate ways to our classes.

"a camping trip?" my mother asked as she read the permission slip.

i sat in my chair eating the food that was presented at the table.

"where's it going to be?" my father asked.

"naejangsan national park. it's for our science class," i told them.

"oo, sounds fun," my mother said smiling.

"it's a 4 day trip," i added in smiling at them. "there will be three adult supervision, so you won't have to worry on who will be watching us."

"as long as you get a good grade in that class," my father said as he ate his food.

i gave a nod of my head. "i'll do my best."

i watched as my mother and father quickly signed the permission slip. and so the 'fun' begins.

should i have short hair or long hair? pLEASE COMMENT ;-; i canT decide!¡

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