Your nicknames for each other

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It's good to be back guys 😊 this has been requested by CrazyStarNinja
Kai: Depending on what's happening you will either call him hotshot or hotstuff...and occasionally you call him sir 😉
Kai automatically started to call you kitten from the day he met you, he will also call you sexy at anytime of the day

Cole: due to Cole's magnificent muscles you call him Tarzan, or Rocky. When your in a mischievous mood though you'll call him charcoal or mr ballerina.
With Cole's love for cake he calls you cupcake especially if you do something that he finds adorable. He will also call you muffin he just has a thing with food.
Jay: obviously you call him sparky, with him controlling lightning and being good with machines it made the most sense. Depending on the mood you'll might call him mr electric.
Jay will call you 76 as that was the number of tries it took him to ask you out. He will also call you babe or miss to tease you.
Lloyd: Green bean, smol bean green smol bean are very common nicknames that tumble out of your mouth. When things are getting heated you often call him hero for many reasons...
Lloyd being the adorable person he is often calls you doll or love as it makes you redder than a fire truck. You now when Lloyd wants something sexual or not when he calls you sweetie or babe.

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