Chapter 6

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Topic: New Student

Objective: To gather intel on how many  females will display signs of infatuation and how many of the male species will show signs of irritability to a new specimen.

(Basically, how many girls will ditch their boyfriends and crushes for the new guy and how many boyfriends will spread the jelly on their dignity.)

Even though it's not chemistry anymore, I decided to do an experiment on my current English class. The class always produces promising results; I assure you. With kids, whose feelings are as variable as the weather, they always prove me right.

And being right is never boring.

So I'm sitting with Circe on my side, waiting for Ms Gaite to finish reminding us about manners and welcome. You would think that by now she would have given up with the students that will ignore her the next second. Nevertheless, she continues.

"I want you to give him a warm welcome, okay?" she whispers, placing the fact that the boy was right outside the door, "When he comes in I will chose one of you to show him around by placing him next to you."

As if on cue, the girls started glaring at each other ; trying to intimidate as much girls as they could.

The boys? They could not care any less.

The door opens making room for silence. Then there are the sighs. Drooling commences, hair twirling is in progress and dark looks are now worse than before. Now that the specimen has grabbed all the girls attention, the boys start feeling ignored which sparks the envious looks they shoot him. Now they care.

Now you may wonder the reaction of the budding researcher (yours truly) and her friend Circe. Circe is not drooling. 

Circe is not twirling her short hair. 

Circe is not responding to Dolan who has been trying to grab her attention for the whole morning. But not because of the boy in front of the class. She is mischievously smirking and the boy in front of her does the same. 

"Took you long enough," she drawls mockingly.

"As if you had nothing to do with it," he retorts.

Okay, am I missing something? I think I am missing something.

Me? Oh, I am busy gawking at the strangely familiar face. The face that reflected surprise when I bumped into him. The face that showed resentment for the job he was forced to do. The face that mixed joy with annoyance when he saw his sister's pet content with the worry it had wrought. I recognized that face well. 

It was The Boy.

And The Boy recognized me as well.

"Hi. My name's Talon," he states, moving his eyes over to me, "Talon Grey."

Everyone eyes him, with either shock or envy. Ms Gaite, completely oblivious to her students' reaction as usual, gives him a cheery smile. "Nice to have you here, Talon. Please take a seat right over there."

My gaze follows her hand, that points to the empty desk on my right. A series of huffs and groans from the girls behind reach my ears as I try to avoid the innumerable amount of eyes dishing out black looks like shedding skin.

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