Chapter 23

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"So you're telling me," the girl says challengingly, "that you have NO IDEA WHO DESTROYED MY PARTY!?"

"No need to yell. We know for sure that this was done by U.N.O." I slide the plastic zipper bag across the table to her. In it held our only evidence that supported this claim. A red and blue plastic rocket that was punctured repeatedly to form the letters of the mystery gang, found floating about in the tarnished pool.


"WE ALL KNOW THAT! BUT WHO THE F*CK DID IT AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!" she screams. Her boyfriend holds her hand quickly, a futile attempt to calm her down.

"Yes," her father says firmly, his blue eyes glaring at me in the eye. "We want an answer and we want it NOW."

"Yeah," her mother says with no zest, still looking down at her phone. She doesn't seem to be too concerned. They are both on either side of their daughter, she staring down at her phone; doing God knows what. I hate that. It shows that they do not think you are worth paying attention to. That you don't deserve 100% attention at all times. It irks me and I have an overwhelming urge to smash her fingers into the screen with something heavy. I take a deep breath and look at the girl called Lorraine Heming- no Lorraine Aldora Hemingway. She made me repeat five times just to get it right.

What a dipstick.

"Isn't there like some camera in this place?! There must have been something that shows who did it!" Mr Hemingway's tie is loose around his neck but still looking professional; if that is possible. Beads of sweat run down the side of his face and I could see the raised veins on his temples. Anymore stress and we might have to call an ambulance.

I look back at the security who just shrugs helplessly. I sigh. "There is but we already checked them-"

"SHOW THEM TO ME NOW!" he demands.

"But sir-"

"YOU KNOW WHAT? I'LL FIND IT!" He gets up and stomps out the door. "I CANT RELY ON YOU USELESS IMBECILES ANYWAY!!"

His angry daughter marches right behind him followed by her rather excited boyfriend and her phone consumed mother. I race behind them, security at my side and a growing fear for the amount of paperwork.

We find him shaking the obese security at his collar, lifting him right of the floor as if he had suddenly gained super strength.


"SHAKE THE SH*T OUT OF HIM DADDY!" his daughter cheers happily, "MAKE ME PROUD!" Her boyfriend eggs him on.

"Sir, I kindly ask you to put down the security-"

He looks back at me. "YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!" Then he roars at the security's face. "WHERE IS IT!?" The stitch at collar  looks as if it will give way any minute.

"Put down the security-"

"It's Eli," pipes the obese security, gasping for breath.

"Put down Eli now or I'd be forced to shoot, Mr Hemingway."

The man pays no heed. He continues to shake Eli sick. Ethan (who was at the canteen) comes in through the door, blowing a gum bubble on another. On another. He's good! He freezes at the doorpost, taking in the chaos. All the gum bubbles pop.

Wouldn't yours? 

You're looking at confused security, an angry man shaking a fat one, a blonde girl and boy angrily cheering on the angry man and a woman in the corner talking loudly on her phone as if that is all in the world. Let's not forget the police woman who is hitting her head repeatedly against the wall.

Unorthodox (BOOK 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant