Chapter 10

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Lorraine stands there in all her 'Queen Bee Glory', decked up from head to toe in exuberant pink. Blonde waves with golden highlights and eyelashes (that is no doubt fake) compliments her face. Her skin is pale but not sickly. She basically looks like she stepped down from heaven and came to bless boys with her beauty.

To me, she was kicked out from heaven's Pearly Gates, was glamorized by the Devil himself and walks out wearing lust. No joke.

She never has good intentions. So why is she at my table? As you may recall, she was the main victim of a food fight, I had started. Here should be the last place she would want to be.

I smell bait at my table. It doesn't really take a genius to figure out what she's here for. I mean; who she's here for. The poor sap is still eating his chicken nuggets; oblivious to the fact that he is the target.


Of course, he's lost. He still doesn't seem to have noticed Lorraine; even though her eyes are mentally stripping his clothes mercilessly.

"Who's she?" Circe whispers, leaning close to my ear, " and why did she call you Dread Head?"

Lorraine hears everything and her face twists up in confusion and indignation. "You don't know who I am? The head cheerleader of the varsity football team? The prom queen for three years straight? The-"

"Nope, " Circe interjects, " And with all that talk, I still don't know who you are."

Shooting her a nasty glare, Lorraine continues. "I am Lorraine Aldora Hemingway, daughter of-"

"No one wants to hear your rotten bloodline, " I interrupt, " Why are you here? Last time I saw you, you were testing Ms. Bai's meatballs for a shampoo substitute."

"I am not here for you, " Lorraine snaps, "I just came to give the new guy my personal welcome and invite him to my table." Her eyes rake Talon without break.

I am not surprised that she knows about him. She has a network all over the school, gathering information. Especially since he is regarded as 'hot' on the Newbourne Scale and got detention on his first day. I'm sure rumors are circulating about the 'new bad boy' in town.

"It's two of them."

"Two what?"

"Two new kids, Lorraine. She is his sister, " I jut my thumb at Circe. Circe gives her a short giddy wave.

Lorraine sputters. "How could she be related to him? I thought she was some ugly weirdo. I mean- look at what she's wearing?!"

"What's wrong with what she's wearing?"

This question comes from Talon. Talon glares up at Lorraine's shocked face, "She look's fine to me. She's following the school's dress code and I'm sure the teachers agree with it."

He's right. Circe is quite pretty with her short, coal, black hair and intriguing purple eyes. She has an average height and her skin is almost flawless. She wears a dark, fuschia, knee-length skirt with a kind of 'gypsy vibe' and a matching mini jacket with a white vest underneath. Circe isn't wearing much make- up apart from the light pink lipstick. Bronze bangles slide along on her hands as she moves. Dream-catcher ear-rings of the same material sway in her ears; not too long or big. It fits the dress code with ease.

He shoves the last nugget in his mouth and continues. "You however, my dear Loreena, need help. You look painfully desperate for attention; not the kind of attention decent people will favor. From how snotty you are and speak, I am guessing your life has been made for you by your father's credit card ever since you were born. Is your family going through financial issues or are you trying to save? Because right now you're looking cheap."

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