Chapter 7

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"You two are the description of trouble."

"I think you forgot that it was you that got us sent here in the first place, Feisty."

"For the last freakin' time, the name's Vesper! " I scowl, glaring across at Talon, "And excuse me Talon for not being the type that can accept mind-blowing revelation like it was totally obvious."

"Actually it kinda was, " Circe interrupts, slightly leaning back with the chair in balance.

"I'm still a bit offended that you didn't mention me to Feisty here," Talon says, gazing straight ahead at the blank blackboard, "You don't exactly, leave awesomeness in a box."

"You do if its annoying. "

"I am not annoying!"

"Point taken; you aren't annoying; you just aren't the idea of pleasantness. Besides,we just met! It's not like the first conversation goes like, 'Hi! My name is Circe and I have a brother that can make hell look better."

"You mean make heaven look better."

"Nope, I meant what I said."

"Well, you're one to tal-... Mmmph! mmmph..."


You are probably wondering what happened to the ceaseless bickering of Talon Grey. Vesper, yours truly, finally got fed up and decided to take action. She brought forth man's best creation for prattlers; duct tape. Now she can be at peace.

"Now," I say firmly, "you are going to keep your mouths shut!"

Attempting to rip the sticky gag to shreds, Circe glares back at me, giving me a muffled retort. Or should I say try? Did I forget to mention that Circe is duct taped too?

I know what she is saying.

"And If you don't comply?" I tisk and draw out my stapler; locked and loaded. "I would be forced to take extra measures."

Fear lit on their features, drawing a devious smile from my face. "So rip those tapes off. I dare ya."

I think that was enough to quiet them down. None of them made a sound. But it doesn't stop them from eyeing each other.

Talon glares at Circe.

Circe glares at Talon.

And I flick my eyes between them, humming.

By now, I think you should have figured it out by now. When Circe told me they were siblings, no; fraternal twins, I chipped right there and then. I had an emotion and logic overload. And an overload is not really one of the things that you could get a bligh on in the middle of class. Especially when you happen to piss of the wrong teacher on the wrong day. Today is Monday, the day hated worldwide. And I found out in the worst way possible that Ms Gaite shares my strong dislike.

So here I am, sitting in detention with my two 'interesting' acquaintances for the rest of the period until recess. Anyone can see I am not in the best of moods but the numbskulls on my side don't know how to read emotions.

I look around.

We aren't the only jailbirds in this joint. Three more kids are here; either staring into space or sneaking a game under their table. I really don't see why though. They are free to do as they wish since, well; our supervising teacher went out like a light in a power-cut. It does seem like a while from his last breath. Is he... alive?

Oh wait, don't panic. I saw his chest rise.

The same moment I sigh of relief for not dealing with death too soon, someone walks in; a boy. He has a slightly disheveled look about him and seems to be limping. His striking red eyes scans the small spare- classroom and he seems to be quite out of it. I don't blame him. It's the magic of Monday.

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