Chapter 17

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It was my idea.

I didn't want to do something too outrageous but something that would catch everyone's attention. And it did.  The front page of Crack Of Dawn Relay was plastered with our symbol and our code names at the bottom. Now everyone is talking about it. Some think it's a prank; some think it is the beginning of an actual gang.

They aren't wrong. 

When we came to school today, in the splice of each conversation we heard our name. U.N.O.

"I think it's plain stupid," said one boy, " Some weird symbol in orange. It's confusing!"

"Mysterious seems more like it," answered another, "And what's with the code names?"

"For mystery, dumbo!" a girl exclaimed, "It keeps everyone on their toes and makes us all wonder what it's for!"

We smiled, glancing at each other and split up to dig up in other conversation about it. Some info on what people feel. I don't go anywhere except my locker to get my books for next period Algebra.


The glue stick ran along, on the surface of the cut-outs; leaving behind stickiness. I smile, feeling myself calm with each stroke with little pressure. I love doing this; continuing tradition. I bite into a sandwich I made since mom had no time to prepare lunch and I felt pretty lazy. Right now, I'm home; sitting on my bed; waiting for her to come home.

After I am done, I stick it down unto the layers of random craft paper stuck in the album. Grabbing the glue stick again from off  my cluttered dressing table, I apply the glue to places that didn't have any. 


Calvin and Hobbes are having another one of their enlightening conversations that never fail to bring a smile upon my face- and my dad's. 

This was one of dad's favorites

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This was one of dad's favorites. We both were able to relate to this even though I am a supposed math virtuoso. Since we were both fanatics for these comics we made a scrapbook for them. A book we can turn to when we came home from the cruel world out there that lacked imagination. He thought that if we read at least one of these comics each day, we would always have something to smile about in the crappiest of situations. He was right sometimes.

I had this scrapbook since I was six. Everyday my dad would come home with a newspaper rolled up under his arm and we would immediately head to his study that held all the material for that comic's spot. Calvin and Hobbes was the first thing he saw in each news paper. He had his theory.

"I wake up each day  hoping for a happy start to a happy day," he said taking his time to cut out the panel, " but on the doorstep, in the morning's newspaper the first thing I see is some dead body dying a tragic death. A corrupt government official arrested. Or a huge shoot out. Maybe a family whose house was washed away right of it's foundation. Does it make me happy? No." 

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