Chapter 26

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You can't get anywhere without a background.

You need intel on past records and crimes for the suspect. Date of birth, education, job, family, address. But most importantly the name; which we don't have. Or the address, or education or job or anything! 

Everyone is under the title of suspect; including me.

The mural. The mural that U.N.O created gives all kinds of clues. Clues unknown; only to be found by close analysis. Very close analysis.

Clickety- clack.

My fingers are on the right track. I'm looking for anything that is useful. Like reason for color, meanings for symbols; that sorta thing. The sorta thing that could get me promoted to detective for the long term. The results are lined up thanks to Google.

"Found anything, Finn?"

I glance up at Ethan who sips on his Deja- Brew take-away. Judging by his wide blue eyes, ruffled blonde hair and fidgeting stance, it must be his third.

"You should stop drinking so much coffee, Ethan. It's lethal to your health."

"But it taste so good! So good!" he whines almost like a child. "It is the best coffee in the world!"

Yep. He is addicted.

I sigh and turn back to the dinosaur-old monitor. The results are taking very long to load and my patience is running thin. Ethan settles down on the office chair beside me and joins my staring marathon at the screen. It's late and we are the only ones in the office. Everyone has gone home; even the cleaner.

"So...," I start awkwardly, "How's life?"

"Meh." He rest down his coffee next to me and I couldn't help but notice it separated it us. "Just the norm. Finished reports for last month. Had a talk with Captain.  Bailey is finishing her course in textiles. Megan is trying to convince me again to let her do theater arts; has been ever since she saw U.N.O's umbrella shower."

"The umbrella shower?"

"Yeah. She says U.N.O is 'an inspiration for the generation'," he says, using quotations. " I'm staying strong on my decision though. She is going to be a doctor. Theater arts income isn't always profitable."

"Right you are." 

Finally. The results.

"So what about you?"


"Yes you. How is your life going?"

My eyes scan the page, not seeing anything I'm looking for yet. "Well... it's been pretty slow," I reply distractedly, "My family's doing good back home. I have rent to pay for this month. My no- good sister, Crocus, is asking for money again-"

"Crocus? I thought she was working back at the diner in Wellfox?"

"Yeah, well she quit a week later." Come on. Where is it?


"Yeah. We all know what happened. She found another guy. Some guy who promises to take care of her and then- BINGO!" I quickly scribble down my find with a smile on my face.

"What?" he asks, confused.

"I found it. I found something that might give us a clue."

I hand him the paper and recline in the chair, hands behind my head, feeling like a pro. The answer is there. It explains everything about U.N.O. Everything.

He reads it aloud. "Symbols. The 'A' means alpha which means 'the beginning'. The  omega means 'end'. The lemniscate means  'forever'. 'Ad Infinitum U.N.O' means 'Forever U.N.O'. Orange is the color of creativity or originality. 'U.N.O' is part of the word unorthodox which means unusual; out of the ordinary." 

He looks at me with a raised brow. "What are you getting at?"

"U.N.O is basically saying it is the end of the conventional and unimaginative and now it is the beginning of originality and creativity. 'Ad Infinitum U.N.O' means unorthodox forever. Original forever. Creative forever. Unusual forever!"

I leap up and face him dead in the eye causing him to slightly back up. "Don't you get it?! They are trying make a future where everyone can be who they are! And they plan on doing it by pulling crazy stunts!"

"Planned disasters." Ethan mutters to himself, "Wow. They have really got everything to precise detail planned. We are facing a mastermind of some sort. Things just got up to a higher level of weird."


One second, you're doing your Algebra homework in an attic bedroom with friends.

The next, you find yourself toweling off in a hidden gypsy camp for a little kid's birthday.

The things friends get you to do.

I scan the closed tent I'm in. Looks cosy with a medievel- looking lantern hanging in the corner, illuminating the rough bed, the two chairs and the rug. Everything so colorful but look so complete.

I squeeze my dreads dry and wiggle off my soaked shoes. A moment longer, and I could have gotten a cold according to Demel- no Lady Demelza. She made sure I got it right.

Consciously, I rub the sore spot on my foot. My souvenir for calling her otherwise. And for calling her a word I would not dare repeat in my own head. That lady really knows how to use her cane.

Peeling off my clothes (except my under things of course), I wrap the big towel around my body and examine the clothes left for me on the bed. Lady Demelza sent us all to separate tents, commanding her son to get us dry clothes if we were going to stay. No room for argument since she was already gone chasing a mischievous Binx.

I'm okay with the white knot top.

And the bohemian slippers look fine.

But you see that floral, legless abomination?

This chick ain't wearing that in this lifetime.

Without giving the skirt a second thought, I shyly peep through the tent and nudge the young woman who was introduced to me as Faerydae. She is very pretty as she has long black hair, high cheek bones, doe-like eyes and a curvy figure. She has a jovial personality, but contrary to Circe is... tamer. Faerydae is lending us her clothes out of the kindness of her heart.

"Excuse me?" She turns to me a little startled. "Hate to be high maintenance but... do you happen to have any pants?"


Hello all!

Now everything is cleared up.  Or is it? ;)

*evil cackle until I have a coughing fit*

Oh well. So much for that...

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- Corliss

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