Chapter 18

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"The drawing was drawn with orange spray chalk,  exactly 10.7 feet wide. Whoever did this made sure that it won't last long. It can be easily removed by water."

I nod, taking in the information that Mathias narrates to me. He is a co-worker of mine; one of the rare people I spoke to. He is also the Captain's favorite. Mathias has almost all the intel in areas that he doesn't even work in. If anyone is going to get a promotion before this year is out, it's him.

My eyes wander over to the forensics crew, crouched to the ground, desperately trying to find something for a lead. Yellow caution tape clashes with the grey pregnant clouds that coats the sky. It surrounds it in a box with police cars lining the sides. Detective Sanders is busy talking to Davis. All I am interested in is what Davis would say to me. I discovered the case after all. With a little help.

No-one needs to know how.

Taking a sip from the Deja Brew coffee cup, Mathias leans back against his car beside me. "So how's life?"

"Boring as usual. Heaven better be worth the time I've been waiting."

"Don't say that," he chuckles, "You found this case?  It should spice up life a little!"

"It doesn't guarantee that I'll be working on it."

"Trust me you will." He leans off slightly and shoots the cup into the green bin about five feet away. Score. He leans back again. "I can get you a spot on the investigating team. Even working side by side with Mr Sherlock over there," he juts his head towards Ethan.

I dismiss the rising heat in my cheeks. "Isn't that stretching your luck a little?"

Mathias answers with a shake of his head. " Luck was meant to be stretched."

Just as I am about to disagree, I hear the brusque voice I know well.

"Officer Drucker!"

"Yes Chief Davis sir!"

He marches forward, chest puffed up boasting the golden badge winking in the sun. Rough faced and stoic postured he looked like the army general he was long ago. The numerous lines on his face worked side by side the grey moustache; showing his age. "I just wanted to commend you on discovering this strange case. It shall go on your form."

"Thank you Chief Davis sir," I bark; matching his everyday tone.

Mathias rolls his eyes at me. "You know you're not in the army, right?"

I whisper back. "Tell that to Davis."

Chief Davis, who didn't seem to have heard us, is about to walk away when Mathias steps in front of him. He raises his bushy eyebrow, probably wondering why an officer like myself is blocking his way. Mathias doesn't seem fazed.

"Sir, I have a suggestion." Mathias alone can refer to him like that. Without the 'Chief Davis' part.

Davis doesn't say a word; his way of either encouraging you or shutting you down. I can't tell the difference. Apparently, Mathias can.

He continues. "In my opinion, Officer Drucker should also work on this case, alongside Detective Sanders. She has excellent analytical skills and a clean record. She was also the one that gave the reasonable theory of the words at the bottom being code names. It could help in the case."

I feel sweat rolling down the center of my back even though it is twenty degrees Celsius and breeze is blowing. My heart beats fast under my chest as I struggle to keep panic of my face. This is my only way to getting a promotion; or at least a little action. He holds all the answers. The look on Chief Davis' face is unreadable as usual. Mathias stand confidently still able to make eye contact with him even though his promotion is on the line. I would have wilted under that steady gaze.

"Fine, she can work with Ethan," Chief Davis says surprising me. "But if she fouls up, it is on your head."

"Yes sir."

Davis steps around him as Mathias gives me a wide grin. "Told you I can do it."

I can't open my mouth and respond. Everything is soaking in; the reality of the situation filling me up with a crazy set of nervousness. I am about to work on a case.

A case that can be dangerous.

A case that could be thrilling.

A case that can make my diet change completely to Deja Brew coffee.

A case with a renowned detective.

Mathias pats my shoulder and opens his car door. With one last look he says, "Don't make me look bad."



I watch the green bottle spin and spin, anxiously waiting for it's outcome. My stomach is in knots as it slows gradually around me then to Talon, Circe then MB. Jigsaw, Clockwork, Feather-head then Mc 2.

Finally, it comes to a stop. Landing on MB.

Immediately, Circe jumps to his case. "Who do you pick?"

MB points shakily at Talon as Talon just shrugs. Circe humphs and walks over to her bedroom window. He looks confused as ever.

"So..," I begin, "What should we do?" I walk over to the ladder to resume my painting. It's not Saturday but no harm in painting on other days right?

Nobody responds; being deep in thought. A light drizzle starts to fall, rolling down the window glass that Circe leans against. The dry side of course.

"It's raining kittens and puppies," Circe laughs softly, tracing the water droplets' path with her finger. "And I have an idea."


Hello peoples!

 I just want to thank you for your support so far! Who is excited for more things to come?

The code name Mc 2 is  pronounced as part of Einstein's equation, with the two meaning square. (em-cee-square) OK?

Yes two P.O.V's in one chapter!

Again for clarification, Finley is the other P.O.V in the book alongside Vesper. Talon is NOT having a P.O.V

What do you people think about Finley so far? (Finley above!)

Please comment! It encourages me with faster updates! If it is also vote-worthy, feed the starving star on top or below, K?

*Elvis Presley voice* Thank you. Thank you very much.

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