Chapter 19

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(A.N//Play the song above, when I give the signal. Enjoy!)

~Random Person P.O.V~

It's raining.

It heavily falls but the showers doesn't chase anyone inside. Instead, people​ look up in awe.

Yes, it's raining, but it is not water that sprinkles the sidewalk. Or slides down the glass windows of cars and buildings. It is something else.

Umbrellas. Small, colorful umbrellas of different patterns, float aimlessly in the air. With a sight like this, many people stop whatever they were doing to look up, ignoring the fact that the toothpick handle of an umbrella might cost them an eye.


I look down at my sister, Megan, who holds one of the cocktail umbrellas in her hands. She gestures for me to look inside. What I see leaves me dumbstruck. Yet curious.

Today's forecast is cloudy with a 10 minute shower of UMBRELLAS!! Ever seen anything like this?

                                                                             - Ad Infinitum U.N.O.

I cup my hands for a pink floral umbrella to float into.  I read it. This time, there's a different message.

We are U.N.O. Remember this moment. We represent open creativity. This is the beginning of change.This is the beginning of a free world.

                                                                              -Ad Infinitum U.N.O.

"Do you have any idea what this means?" Megan asks. An umbrella is stuck into her hair. I huff inwardly. We had now come from the salon. Umbrellas are not hair accessories and definitely not in, this season. I take it out of her bun.

"I'm afraid not Megan. But according to the floating parasols, it's just the beginning."


"We did GOOD."

"You're insane."

"Somebody needs to be."

I roll my eyes and settle back into my chair. We shouldn't be here but Circe insists that we should be present for this 'magical' moment. We are  outside of Deja Brew Cafe  under a large umbrella  waiting for our order.

And of course enjoying the show.

But I must admit, Circe's idea was very original and did a very good job catching everyone's attention. I won't be exaggerating if I said even the traffic stopped. Everyone's heads were turned upwards looking at the wonderful display. Still, we shouldn't be out in the open. Suddenly, Circe's pale, green scales skirt looked too bright and my oversized black hoodie attracted too much attention even though everyone's eyes were on the sky.

Worriedly, I look upward at the flat roofs of the buildings on the other side of the road. On one of those roofs, Talon and MB are crouched down low but tossing umbrellas in the air. If they were seen... well you know the rest.

Circe notices my worry and removes her propped feet off the table. She leans forward and looks at me with her earnest purple eyes. "It will be fine. They will be fine."

I wish I can wholeheartedly believe her.

Ever since our spray-chalk street mural was plastered unto the paper, U.N.O.  has gained a lot of publicity. Good and bad. We are making people see a leader (or leaders) start a revolution of originality and creativity. A world where you can be yourself without glancing back at a judging crowd. But there is the sour side. The police are on investigation. We have to be really careful now; not leaving behind any evidence. Then again, we are sprinkling three hundred umbrellas on the street. Almost impossible not to get a clue.

Unorthodox (BOOK 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz