Chapter 25 |1|

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No-one saw anything.

We questioned everyone and all of them basically  said the same thing. 

'I was too busy running away.'

I glare at the little plastic rocket that seemed to be constantly taunting me. U.N.O.

They think they are so funny, don't they? Thinking that they will constantly get away, making the public feel intrigued. Making us the police look like the stupid cat getting tricked again and again by that stupid mouse. They make us look like fools. 

We always looked like fools.

I wish I could crumple the little note they left behind. But it is evidence. Pointless evidence at that. No fingerprints; the only thing that could provide a breakthrough. U.N.O never left any thing that can be used against them behind. They seem like professionals.

I read the scrap of paper again for the hundreth time. This is the reason I have three cups drained of coffee on my desk. I haven't seen my bed since yesterday.

Space never had limits, so why should you? Be free!

- Ad Infinitum U.N.O

Bullcrap. Utter. Bull. Crap.

What kind of illegal weed are they smoking? Free? That's a fantasy.


In the slowly increasing rain, three weary and wet travelers stomp through the rain behind their hopscotching guide, who refuses to let a puddle go to waste.

"We're lost, We're lost, We're lost," the guide sings heartily, tap dancing from puddle to puddle.

"You sound a bit too happy, Circe."

"Well," she glances back at me as she continues to stomp through the puddles,"You have to be lost first in order to get somewhere."

"I highly disagree with that logic," Talon grumbles.

"I'M SO HUNGRYYYYYY!" groans MB for the hundredth time.

Circe snaps, "Would you stop complaining?!"

MB stops dead in his tracks and glares at Circe's head. "Complaining?! I'm not complaining! I'm simply giving a reflection on the terrible experience I'm having! I'm cold, wet and did I mention hungry? Oh yes! I DID!  But hey; it's not a big deal! The rain isn't THAT BAD!! I might as well suffer all nature's harsh elements in SILENCE,RIGHT?!"

Circe says nothing.

"I think we should have used the car instead of bikes," Talon says angrily, "since we all know that Circe obviously  planned this."

"I totally deny that," Circe answers.

"Don't.  You baited us here and just went along with the flow. Things would have been so much easier if you actually thought things through from the start. Like transport!"

"I did plan this! Every excruciating detail I planned!"

"So it was planned that MB falls on top of us?! Or that we get lost?! If I'm right you just planned things along the way!"

She continues to hop in silence as her brother assaults her with his words.

"You always go too far! You never seem to know when to stop! You blow pass each one never considering how others feel-"

"Can you two please stop?! Like stop yelling and arguing?!" I moan, " I'm tired hearing you two bickering! Don't you two ever stop?!"

I see Talon turn rigid when MB shrugs and says "It's sibling love, Vespie. Get used to it."

Unorthodox (BOOK 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora