Chapter 28

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You never fail until you stop trying.

Don't decide that you can't before you discover that you can.

Don't make excuses, make improvements!

Hard Work + Good Attitude = Success

Faded posters nailed to the wall filled with nice words of encouragement. Words that can do so much to a poor student and make him see potential in himself. So uplifting. So motivating.

Right now, I feel largely motivated to slap everyone on sight.

I'm in a mood where I can't take any crap, trash, bull, crap from the bull etc. and will be brutally blunt. And you know what? All of the things on the list are being ticked off simultaneously.

I'm in a Geometry pop quiz. I left home without a glimpse of my own mother and breakfast. Talon confused me with how weird he was last night.  Sir Bandot is sleeping off a hangover. The class is talking too much and too loudly; abandoning the test conditions. Boys on the football team are haranguing me with sneaky spitballs. Lance and Lorraine are loudly smooching in a corner.  My head hurts from not getting much sleep after Binx's party. And other reasons.

And to sprinkle it heavily on top, it is Monday.

"Stupid Mondays, " I curse under my breath as I remove a spitball from my dread braid. "This is the Mondayest Monday that has ever been Mondayed. "

My sorrows are interrupted by another spit ball. Right in my ear. Gross. Man, these boys aren't letting up . I turn around to see Lance's sardonic smile; finally taking a rest from Lorraine. "What is that in your ears,Dreads?"

"Apart from your spitball?" I take it out my ear and flick it back at him. "An earring, you dimwitted human."

"Trashy as usual," sighs Lorraine. "Ugly and with no sense of fashion. Can't you dress in the century? Like me?"

"Tell me when this century asks us to dress like sluts," I reply smartly.

Before Lorraine could think of a reply, I turn around and tune them out. Since I finished my test, I decide to text Talon. No harm in it right?

Vesper: I am bored & n a bad mood. How r u, MB & Circe?

He replies in a few seconds.

Talon: I'm fine, MB is ZZZ & Circe iz getin her detention slip

Vesper: Y? :( It's so early.

Talon: teL u @ lch

Vesper: Y not now?! X(

Talon: Cuz I wud git in- Oh sh*t! KMN

Vesper: I wud if I could

Talon: nw I'm n a bad mood :(

Before I could scream at Talon (through text of course!), my phone is grabbed away by Lance. That is when I officially snap. "What the hell is your problem?!"

"Apologize to my gal." He says evenly, pointing to a smirking Lorraine.


"You heard me. Apologize to Lorraine!"

"Okay, fine." I face Lorraine who sat atop the desk, studying her nails and blowing her bubblegum. I sigh," I'm sorry for snapping at you..."

She smirks, "Well, since I pity you-"


Now it is my turn to smirk while her gum pops in shock. Suddenly, Lance pounces on top of me, squeezing me under his weight between the desk. His hands wrap around my neck and expectedly squeezes it. 

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