Chapter 29

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I quickly scribble a message and stick it with a killer knife magnet unto the refrigerator; our new way of communication in the household. Mom will probably see it when she comes down from her two hour hibernation. And might probably welcome me back to Kingdom Groundom...

Oh well.

Mom snuck in at around midnight from her supposed shift. I must be a fool if I believe people ask for house tours at night. I'm unto her.


"Sheesh Talon I get the message!"

I lock the door behind me and hastily rub my arms as I enter the cold night. It's a good thing I'm going to a place with lots of heat Night time is the best time for the Flaming Fox Fest. The fire looks more intense and the lights of the amusement park are to die for.

The last time I went was when I was seven. It was with my parents, when everything was normal. We moved from ride to ride and stuffed ourselves with the cart food. We watched the fire dances and danced along like no one was watching; and we were horrible dancers. I was so happy and even squealed in excitement when dad through me over his shoulder and sprinted out of the grounds with mom behind. A fire eater accidentally burned down a tent right next to us.

Oh, the excitement.

Maybe my image of the Flaming Fox Fest lost shape and went blurry over the years but excuse me if I want to relive my childhood. And this time I'll do it with friends that I will never take for granted again. I learn from my mistakes. Tonight, I solemnly swear it will be the best night of our lives.

And if I get triggered, I will try my best to hide it.

"Haven't you heard 'Patience is a virtue'?"" I snap, buckling myself in beside MB in the back. "It wouldn't kill you, ya know!... Besides... what car is it this time?"

Talon has a lot of cars sitting pretty in La Grande Rosa Bianca's garage. Cars that even I don't know.

"A Fable," he says, driving off, "My dad got it for me for my sixteenth birthday."

"Our sixteenth birthday," Circe quips sharply.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He looks back at me through the rear view mirror and I see him smirk. "Looking real pretty, Feisty."

I hate myself for blushing even though I note the sarcasm. "It's grunge. Get used to it." Since I felt a bit grungy, I tossed on anything in sight. It happened to be a black short- sleeved turtle neck, a red, plaid, wool, high-waisted trousers and black Doc Martens. My dreads was put up in a half up bun and lets not forget my signature mismatched earrings; a gold stud and a feather hanging by a chain. I topped it all off with some black lipstick. I think I look okay.

Forgetting Talon's remark, I get professional. "Circe, you got the goods?"

She pats the black bag on her lap and mimics a rough henchman accent. "All in the bag, boss."


"Big and bright, boss."

"Good." I unfurl one of my Dum Dums and stuff in my mouth. "Operation Orange Sparks is a go."

"Don't we need a license for this?" MB pipes and Circe slaps her forehead.

"For the third time MB, NO!!"

He winces and curls up in the far corner of the car; his head leaning against the glass watching the trees race by. An unreadable expression is etched unto his face.

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