Chapter 15

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(A/N: The cutie above is Circe's pet, Latte!)


"Vesper, I want you to look me in the eye and say that again."

I repeat  it for him.

Talon pats my head and looks back somberly at MB and Circe. "Lorraine is gonna pay for this. Vesper received too hard a knock in the head. Tomorrow MB, we will find Lorraine and do twice the damage to her."

"I agree," MB nodding in thought, "What time should we attack?"

"As soon as possible."

"I'm in!" Circe claims, eagerly putting her hand up.

"Guys!" I swat away Talon's hand, "Nothing is wrong with me! As much as I'd like you to deal with Lorraine, we have more important things to think about. Like the rebellion?"

They go quiet for a second.

"Yeah... she's gone loco."

"The priest has officially left the temple," Talon says tapping the side of my head.

"But why?"

Of course Circe will ask. She will be your accomplice to anything you want to do as long as it has the word' crazy' in it. She just needs to hear the reason.

"Aren't you tired of walking thought the halls and seeing some kid being bullied, and no-one is doing anything about it? They all just stand around watching or maybe cheering on the bully and you are wondering 'Should I stop this?' That kid is going through immense pain all because he or she is slightly different from the rest. Whether it is because of their size, color, disorder, sexuality or maybe some weird knack about them, they are being violated. And not even the adults see anything is wrong with it because 'Its just a phase.' The next day you see the same thing happen again."

I continue too hyped to stop."Well, I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty tired of it. People need to see that what they are doing is wrong. It can't go on like this. The justice is seriously screwed. The society today determines what is in or not. Many people don't like it but they go along with it, causing it to choke out our creativity and uniqueness. They don't go against it because, the other option is being unique but abused. Being unique, shouldn't be something you're afraid of. So I'm rebelling. I don't want to go through this world as the girl just like the rest. I want to make a mark on this world before I leave it.  Besides, it will be kinda fun! We'll be doing something once a week that people will never forget. Something crazy yet intriguing! So who's with me?!"

"I'm in!" Circe jumps up, bouncing on my bed and leaning in for a high- five. "Crazy, risky and mysterious. This semester was getting boring anyway."

MB pushes Circe's waving hand down. "Hold on. You obviously have a great idea going on but allow me to remind you of a few things. You might want to take some notes. Let me start: we are a bunch of teenagers going to Newbourne College who, let us say for now, want to start a rebellion against the unfairness of society's standards. Some of the crazy stunts we might pull of will need a lot of money. Then there is the time. What time can we secretly get away from home to do something that our parent's might not agree with? And if we get found out, three things are going to happen: our parents will get mad and potentially disown us, the school can expel us and we can get arrested. I'll repeat the last part: WE CAN GET ARRESTED!! And be put in jail."

"Aren't we a bit too young for jail?" Talon chuckles.

"You're right. We'll end up in juvie hall." MB fishes out a highlighter from his pocket. Pressing it into my palm, "You'll need this to highlight the last part. Double it if you have to. Don't waste it."

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