"I'm here to help you"

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A few days passed, and Lucy and Jeongguk didn't cross paths. Then one day, while Lucy was walking around town, she heard a group of girls screaming. Looking, she saw Jeongguk not even trying to hide his identity. Lucy stood in shock as he walked up to her "hey, you were the girl from the cafe a few days ago! You know I never got your name." He smiled. Lucy returned a smile "it's Lucy, and shouldn't you be wearing something to conceal your identity?" She laughed, feeling more confident since her cuts were all covered. Jeongguk shook his head "nope," he draped his arm on her shoulders. Lucy flinched slightly but smiled it off. He led the female to a nearby store "you know Jeongguk. We can go to my place. My host parents are out" he nodded, "maybe later." Lucy looked at some of the beaded bracelets that represented different things.

After a couple of minutes, when things outside had calmed down, Jeongguk and Lucy decided it was safe and left the store. She bought a couple of bracelets,​ and he bought a cute face mask. They headed to the house Lucy was staying at, and the walk was quiet for the most part until the female finally spoke, "sorry for suddenly leaving you at the cafe," watching the ground, "no, it's fine, I was the one that made you uncomfortable." Once they reached Lucy's place, she opened the door. A small King Charles spaniel puppy greeted them, and Jeongguk bent down to pet the dog and followed her to her room. She lay on her bed, and he sat at her desk. "So... Lucy......." Jeongguk started picking at his pants "why?" He finally asked. Lucy sat up. "Jengguk, I don't wanna talk about it" he looked at her "you can call me Oppa, and I just wanna know why I won't push any further" she looked at him, "I don't want to talk about it ok!" She got mad Jungkook stood up, "Lucy...." She cut him off, "you weren't even supposed to know, ok, so just dropped it, ok!!" He started getting irritated. "LUCY, IM JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU!" Lucy looked like she was about to cry, and Jeongguk felt terrible for yelling at her "please let me help you," he said calmly, and Lucy stared into her lap.

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