"I hate you"

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Lucy woke up in a hospital room and groaned. "Ugh, why," she complained. She felt the foot of her bed shift and looked to see a sleeping Jeongguk. Lucy slowly stood up from the bed and removed everything they attached to her. A nurse walked in and gasped, "miss, you need to lay down and stop pulling that stuff out" Lucy glared at the nurse. "I'm fine" she saw the clothes that her host parents must have brought because they there black jeans and a BTS shirt. She changed, and when she returned to the room, she saw Jeongguk had woken up. "Lucy," a tear rolled down his cheek, and Lucy rolled her eyes. "Don't cry over me," she stated flatly. She walked out with Jeongguk right behind her. "Lucy, please, we need to talk," Lucy spun around "no, we don't." She took off again, only this time running. Jeongguk let her go remembering what happened the last time he pushed her. He slowly made his way to a nearby park, where he got on Instagram and started scrolling. He saw everything fans were saying about Lucy, and he shut his phone off completely. He then headed to her place and knocked on the door. When Lucy answered, he hugged her, she shoved Jeongguk off and moved away from the door. "Lucy, I can't do this anymore........" she looked at him. "Jeongguk, I hate you," she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. He didn't know what to say, so he stood there for a few seconds. "Lucy, I don't care," he finally spoke, and she scoffed "why are you here" Jeongguk walked into the house and shut the door behind him. "Because I'm not fine with how the fans talk about you, and I'm done with what you are doing to yourself." She turned to look at him "what they say is true, you know" it was Jeongguk's turn to scoff, "as if the fans know anything about me." Lucy sat on the couch, picking at the polish on her nails. "Look, I have to go on tour and leave tomorrow. Come with me. You won't miss much in school that you didn't already learn," Jeongguk said, crossing his arms and watching her think about it. "What's in it for me?" "The hate and rude comments will be put to an end" Lucy pressed her lips into a thin line. "Fine, I'll go" Jeongguk smiled and sat beside her. "I sent the post to my hyungs. They are very disappointed in the fans, and Namjoon hung has a whole speech planned out." Lucy laughed, and Jeongguk happily sighed that she could still laugh. Maybe I didn't completely lose the girl I first met in the cafe.

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