"I'll stay"

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Jeongguk and Lucy had been talking and texting for the past few days. Jeongguk had an interview to go to, but he wanted to hang out with Lucy since she made him feel normal again, so he texted her.

Jeongguk: hey, we have an interview but do you want to come so we can hang out?
Lucy: Sure, I'll meet you at big hit's building 😄

After a few minutes, Lucy showed up wearing black high-waisted shorts and a pastel pink crop top with combat boots. She also applied makeup to her cuts, covering them. "You look nice," Jeongguk said, and Lucy blushed "thanks" she climbed into the van with the other boys and sat quietly while the boys finished up. Once it ended, Jeongguk hugged Lucy and told the boys he would hang out with her for the rest of the day. They returned to Lucy's place again, and this time he didn't ask any questions. Instead, Lucy was laughing and smiling, making her realize how unhappy she had been before this idol entered her life. "Um, Oppa...." Jungkook looked at her smiling "yeah, Lucy?" She rubbed her arm and looked at her phone like it would tell her what to say "would you like to stay for dinner? My host parents would love it if you did" she smiled. "Of course," he smiled back, and they returned to their happy conversations. A few hours passed, and Lucy's host mom called them down for dinner.

"Thank you for inviting me to stay for dinner," Jeongguk said "you're most welcome. It's nice to see Lucy making friends. Her aunt will be pleased to hear this as well" Lucy's host mom smiled, and the rest of the dinner was quiet. After dinner, they headed back up to her room "why did she say you aunt and not your mom?" Jeongguk asked. "I lost both parents, so I live with my aunt. I'm used to it now, so you don't have to be so careful about it" she laughed a little and then laid down on her bed. Jeongguk hesitated then asked, "Is that why........" He looked at her, and she shrugged.

"Maybe," she sat up, "to be honest, the reasons all blur together, and I don't even realize that I'm doing it anymore" he looked down after her response. "Jeongguk, do you still wanna know my dark past and why I do what I do," Lucy asked, looking at him. "No, you don't have to. I told you I wasn't going to push, and I'm not. But I am here for you" Jeongguk moved and sat next to Lucy on her bed. They sat silently for a few minutes, and Lucy looked at him "remember the story I told you?" He nodded "it was about me; I was the girl" he looked at her and saw tears had started rolling down her cheeks, he wiped at them, and she leaned on him. Jeongguk wrapped his arms around Lucy's shoulders, and she cried. It was the first time she had cried in a very long time.

After a few hours of finally happy conversations, Jeongguk stood. "I lost track of time. I should head back. My hyungs are probably worried sick" Lucy nodded. When Jeogguk reached the door, though, she stopped him "wait! Oppa, please stay" she had her hand out and stared at him with a soft look. Jeongguk didn't know how to respond at first but eventually turned around and walked back over to her. "Ok, I'll stay" he hugged her, and they leaned on each other. He was her rock, but he didn't realize he needed her as badly as she needed him.

I saved herOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora