"Dont do this to me again!"

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It's been a few months since Lucy and Jeongguk made it official. Lucy flew Mairin out to visit as much as she could Namjoon helped, of course. She saw a cute future for the two but saw hers with Jeongguk slowly falling apart. They were fighting. They didn't fight before, and Lucy had almost wholly stopped cutting, but as she and Jeongguk drifted apart, she soon started back up. She kept it where nobody would see because she didn't want to worry the other boys or her friend. It was another night like all the rest Jeonggu came home from practice, slamming doors and cursing under his breath.

Lucy tried to calm him down, which led to things getting out of hand. This time things went a little farther than they used to, and he slapped her. She gasped, and Jeongguk looked shocked at what the male had just done and immediately started apologizing. When he attempted to hug her, she ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and sat with her back against it. Jeongguk knocked on the door frantically. "Lucy, please, I'm sorry I shouldn't have hit you. I have just been under so much stress, and I know that's a lame excuse and doesn't make me hit you right, but please, please, Lucy, let me in." She sat there in silence, crying. Finally, she heard him swear again and walk away. Lucy then ran a warm bath, planning to relax, when she saw the knife she had in the bathroom from the last time she cut. She picked it up and wiped at her tears. "Why can't I do anything right? I can't even get my relationship with Jeongguk right. No wonder we grew apart. I'm so worthless," Lucy dragged the knife up her arms and laid down in the bathtub. Jeongguk started pacing back and forth in the living room. After fifteen minutes, he knocked on the bathroom door again, only this time, when Lucy didn't answer, Jeongguk started panicking.

"Lucy, open the damn door" he started pounding on the door frantically. Lucy began to lose consciousness when Jeongguk finally broke open the door. "Lucy, no!" He snatched her out of the water and ran to his car, then sped to the hospital. Once they finally started helping her, Jeongguk texted everybody about what happened but told them not to worry. "Lucy doesn't do this to me again," he said, putting his head in his hands. The doctor walked out. Mr.Jeon, your girlfriend, will be okay but need a lot of rest. Jeongguk nodded and went back to visit lucy. When he got to her room, he saw she was awake. He walked over slowly "why lucy?" She wouldn't look at him. "I thought you didn't love me anymore and that I was why our relationship wasn't working out." Jeongguk hugged Lucy"you get to come home tomorrow" he smiled, and lucy started fidgeting with her hands. "Lucy, I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't love you anymore. I have been under a lot of stress because, well, we can talk about it when you get home tomorrow" she looked at him, "I'm sorry for causing you more stress."

I saved herNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ