Chapter 4

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[Nugget's POV]

I saw everyone else mourning but I stayed to the back. Sure, Flamefur was a friend but I didn't know her that well. I looked over at Midnightstar. I wanted to tell her something but I was scared that would upset her more. I took a small breath and headed over to the black female. I used my long tail and tapped her on the shoulder with it. She turned to face me and frowned slightly.

"Yes Nugget?" She asked me as she pushed her way out of the circle of mourning cats. My cat was getting better. It was a lot better than when I first entered the clan. I could barely speak to them and say I was peaceful.

"Leaving. I think it's better for all. I found a female fox. She doesn't want me with you cats. She say you are prey. I will convince her not to attack you, but I really like her. I'm getting old anyways. I don't want you mourning my death when I die." I explained to her hoping that all translated well. I was trying my best to explain it good but her face changed and said it all.

"Thank you for staying with us Nugget and keeping the foxes away. It will be hard without you but I'm sure we can do it. Go ahead and go. I will tell the clan when everyone is better." Midnightstar said. I nodded and flicked my tail toward Tigerstripe and Cheetahpelt who I had known for the longest time.

Next, I wanted to go to the other clans and just tell them I wouldn't be able to keep foxes out anymore. I would go to SmallClan first and hope they let me go. I exited the DepthClan camp and made my way to the border. I had done some border patrol so it was easy to find it. I sat at the border before I saw some cats coming my way.

"Nugget. What is the pleasure to see you here?" Bearstar asked me. He was the leader of SmallClan and I had met him twice but they weren't really nice.

"Leaving. I can't protect cats from foxes anymore. Just wanted to warn everyone to keep an eye out for them again." I said stuttering over my words. My tongue almost slipped back into fox language but I strained to keep it in cat.

"Oh, thank you for telling us all. I hope you best of luck on the rest of your life." Bearstar said before letting me pass through his territory.

I headed closer toward the Gathering place so I didn't put fox scent all over the territory. I soon got to the LilyClan border and sat down going to wait for the next patrol to come and let me through. I didn't want to make them all scared that a fox was coming to attack them either. I curled my tail around my paws and yawned as I waited. I might have missed them but I stayed a little longer.


Poor Nugget is leaving. He's an adorable character but never gets written about much.

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