Chapter 29

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[Maplesnow's POV]

I saw Doveflame next to Tinyclaw as soon as we got close enough. We made it in time before her first kit came. Tinyclaw saw the two of us and smiled weakly.

"You two are late." She whimpered trying to make a joke out of it but it didn't work with the pain she was in. Doveflame stayed next to her side.

"Shh, don't try and talk. Just push. The first one is coming. It's a she cat. Witheredsoul, I need you to come over here. Maplesnow, keep talking to Tinyclaw so she stays away. If she slips to the Dark Forest now, she will never wake up. If she dies, we are all screwed because they will attack the second she dies." Doveflame ordered to the two of us toms.

I settled myself near her head wanting to make sure she stayed awake. Witheredsoul took her side to help Doveflame with the kits. She was going to survive this and those kits were going to survive as well. They just had to all survive or we could all die.

"First kit coming. She cat. Light brown fur mixed with dark brown fur. Looks like you and Maplesnow." Doveflame said.

Tinyclaw winced as she pushed but the small kit came and Witheredsoul followed the medicine cat's orders and licked the kit. She soon meowed and was placed at Tinyclaw's stomach for milk and warmth. I looked at her trying to think of what to talk about for a moment before I thought of something.

"Midnighstar was asking us stuff about you. We denied anything that could have helped her know when the attack is. I also said the kits were another moon away. She will never know these kits are yours. We need to think of some names." I said quietly before Doveflame started to talk again. The second kit must be coming.

"Second kit. This is the last one. It's a tom. Light grey fur with some spots. Almost looks like a ghost version of Aquatail." She said before grabbing the small kit and handing him to Witheredsoul.

The black and white tom licked the small kit but he wouldn't meow. His eyes widened as he thought the kit was dead and looked to Doveflame. She pressed her nose to the kit and shook her head.

"He's alive. He just doesn't want to meow. I'm not sure if he's mute or just really quiet. You can see his mouth moving, but no noise is coming out. I would like you two to keep an eye on him." Doveflame said as the kit was pushed against Tinyclaw's stomach.

"Thank you Doveflame." The tiny she cat purred as she lifted her head up slightly to see the two kits suckling at her stomach.

"I wasn't going to let you die just because you are an exile. If you died, the Dark Forest would have all our heads." Doveflame laughed nervously.

"I guess that's right." Tinyclaw said before looking at Witheredsoul and I. "I want them named Acornkit and Silentkit. It serves them both right." She whispered.


One more chapter, an epilogue, then the thanks!

Warriors: Second Strike: Book 4: EmbersWhere stories live. Discover now