Chapter 9

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[Witheredsoul's POV]

I curled up in my nest wanting to just sleep. It was nice to be a warrior but we didn't have a lot of apprentices at the moment. In my mind, we had way too many warriors. There was a lot of us and once the queens all had their kits, we would have more kits that would be warriors. I just wondered how I was going to be a mentor of Tinyclaw's kits. I didn't bother thinking of it too much and just closed my eyes wanting to go to sleep.

I woke up and I saw I was in the darkness. I remembered it slightly. It was the Dark Forest. Tinyclaw must have called me here. I saw Maplesnow was also here.

"Do you know what she needs?" I asked the dark furred tom who was sitting not very far from me. I moved over and sat next to him.

"No idea. It's too soon for the kits. She might have needed to talk about something else. That is my only guess." The tom said as his eyes scanned the forest. We seemed to be close to the Dark Forest's border with StarClan. I could see the light shining from it.

"I'm sorry. Malvago wanted something. I called you both here since I needed to talk to some sane cats for once." Tinyclaw said as she pushed her way through the bushes and sighed in front of us. Her belly was still plump and it looked like she could kit any day now.

"I wouldn't think there are many in the Dark Forest." I chuckled quietly even though I was scared to death here. It was so dark and scary! The Dark Forest warriors could be listening in and we wouldn't even know.

"No, there aren't any. Malvago is the worst. So it Morte. He's new. Anyways, I've been talking to Doveflame." She said as she sat down.

"Doveflame?! She's the medicine cat of MapleClan. If Silverstar found out she was talking to you, you could be kill!" Maplesnow said with a bit of rage but it was mainly worry in his voice.

"I know Silverstar knows. She's trying to get information out of me. That is the only way Silverstar is letting her talk to me. I'm not giving her any information. She said the kits are due in less than a half a moon. She has agreed to help me with the kitting too. I need her. She will make sure I live." Tinyclaw said. I could see the worry in her voice.

"You aren't going to end up like your mother. You are a lot stronger than that." I whispered to her knowing that could have been something.

"She died and the last thing I told her. was that I basically hated her! I feel bad about that. I can't ever see her either." Tinyclaw sighed before the darkness was starting to vanished. I guessed someone was trying to wake me up.

"You will be fine. Just come and get us when you are about to kit. We will be there." I whispered before she vanished along with Maplesnow.

Warriors: Second Strike: Book 4: EmbersWhere stories live. Discover now