Chapter 22

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[Riverpaw's POV]

I was out training my battle techniques with Heartswift, my sister, and her mentor. I thought that my sister and I should have swapped mentors. Heartswift was too soft for my liking and Leopardtail was too hard for her. I wished that we could switch mentors but Midnightstar wouldn't allow it. I sighed and listened to the two warriors as they were telling us about a new technique.

"We need you to be even more engaged now that the Dark Forest may strike again. We only have around a moon to prepare. All the warriors are also preparing so we have to make sure you two can fight." Heartswift explained before letting her brother take over the rest of the explaining.

"What she says is correct. For now, we will be focusing on fighting ability and new moves. You two will be working together. When the Dark Forest comes, you two will still work together so that we know you aren't going to get hurt. Working in pairs can help both of you out." Leopardtail said before looking to his sister for the rest of the explaining.

"Right now, we will be testing your ability. You two will both work together against the two of us. We will give you a few moments to figure out some code words so we won't know what you are talking about. Be prepared for anything. The Dark Forest will not take it easy on you two just because you are apprentices so we will not either." My mentor said before walking to the other side of the training clearing with her brother. I looked to my sister and smirked.

"I'm sure we can get them both. We just have to split them up. Leopardtail is a quick fighter. He would rather get it over with quickly. Heartswift if more about strategy." Rainpaw said with a smile.

"Yea, but we do need code names. For going to the left we can call it canary. If we are going to the right go sparrow." I whispered to her not wanting the young warriors to hear what we were talking about.

"Good job. What if we are going to leap? Can that be wren?" Rainpaw asked me with her eyes wide. I nodded to her idea.

"Yes. Now, come on. We got two warriors need to beat." I smirked and flicked my tail as I headed over to the warriors.

"We are ready!" Rainpaw squeaked from next to me. I swear to StarClan, she could be so courageous sometimes, but other times she's like a little kit. I don't know how I ever put up with her.

"Are you two sure? You are going up against two warriors." Heartswift said as she looked at the both of us.

"You are two new warriors. We have a lot more energy anyways." I said holding my head up high.

"Yes, we are new warriors but the Dark Forest warriors will have seasons and seasons of training with them. I'm just warning you." Leopardtail said before he got in a fighting stance along with his sister.

Warriors: Second Strike: Book 4: EmbersWhere stories live. Discover now