Chapter 26

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[Wavefeather's POV]

I saw as the monsters rolled into our territory and fluffed up my fur. We had to hurry if we were going to outrun these monsters. They were knocking down all the trees in their path. I kept Searpaw and the other apprentices close to my side. My mother, Icestar, was with Ambersky and her kits making sure they could all escape. We were traveling with BirdClan for the first time ever and we weren't arguing.

"I'm scared Wavefeather!" Searpaw whimpered from next to me. I looked to Coldpaw and Pantherpaw and pushed them ahead of us.

"You have to be strong. We are going to move away from here. We have to follow the way the lily went. This is the way that they went and StarClan will always be here for us to follow." I whispered to her as she stayed close to my side. I didn't try to make her move either. She was really nice and she was almost a warrior by now.

"SnowClan, BirdClan! We have to hurry. We cannot let those monsters catch up to us. StarClan will show us the way, but for now we just have to put as much distance between us and the monsters." Robinstar's loud voice boomed from the back. I flattened my ears and wrapped my tail against Searpaw to keep her safe.

"Warriors! Grab the kits. We will run as far as we have to!" Eagleheart's voice yowled next for us. None of the kits were close to me but I saw several warriors from both clans grabbing the kits that we had with us even if they weren't from their own clan. Icestar didn't have a kit but stood next to Robinstar and Eagleheart.

"Go! Everyone, run as fast as you can. Robinstar will lead you the way we need to go." My mother yowled. Soon, I saw the Dark ginger leader of BirdClan in front of us. Searpaw looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Lets go!" Robinstar yowled next and started to run.

I kept the three apprentices close to me as we were running. I could see other cats lagging behind but Icestar stayed behind all of them. I wanted to go back there and make sure she was okay but I decided to stay near the front for the apprentices. Searpaw let out a cough from next to my side but she kept running. The sound of the monsters soon disappeared completely but we ran a little farther. It was probably three more three lengths before we stopped.

"Do we have everyone?" Robinstar asked as he breathed heavily. It must have been hard on him trying to stay ahead of everyone.

"We do. I didn't let anyone go past me. We need to set up a camp for now. SnowClan, come with me. I'm sure we can separate for now." Icestar said as she looked at the warriors in front of her.

"I think it's safer if we stay together for tonight." Gingerfang, Robinstar's deputy, said as she pushed her way through the crowd of warriors, apprentices, and kits. I nodded and saw the other warriors laying down as they panted away.

"We will be safe soon." I whispered to myself and laid down next to the apprentices.

Warriors: Second Strike: Book 4: EmbersWhere stories live. Discover now