Chapter 15

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[Moonflash's POV]

I was out on the border patrol for LilyClan's border. I just hoped they didn't have a patrol at the same time and that they attacked us. I stayed in the back talking to Honeyear quietly.

"How long do you think until we can get some new cats? We are in need of some. Even LilyClan has more than us at the moment." I asked her even though she didn't answer me or didn't even know either. I sighed and thought about it.

Blossomsoul was going to have some kits soon. No one else would have kits most likely. We needed some loners or kittypets if we were going to keep this clan going. I scented something different and looked at Thorntail.

"Hey, I scent something. I'm going to check it out. I'll find you in a moment." I told him before following after the scent.

It lead me toward the mass of trees and twoleg houses that were somewhere back there. We usually didn't get this close to them since we weren't good with the twolegs being there. As I got closer, I realized it was multiple scents of cats! My eyes widened as I hurried toward the scent. I stopped before I ran into what looked like a small home for them.

"Hello?" I asked quietly as I poked my head around the tree that I was behind. I saw three older cats around the age of a new warriors, two cats around the apprentice age, one cat that had kits, and around five kits.

"Who are you?" The one older cat asked me in a hiss. I came around the tree and looked at the strange group.

The one that had hissed at me was missing most of his tail, an ear, and had scars across his face. He had black fur and striking green eyes. He looked like he was protecting the queen and the kits mainly. The queen was a calico and had yellow eyes. She seemed nice as she didn't budge when she saw me.

"I'm Moonflash, a warrior of MapleClan. Who are you?" I asked them carefully hoping not to get scratched. They could be a good addition to our clan if they wanted to join.

"MapleClan? I've heard of them. We have been wanting a place that can offer us a home." The queen said with a small purr as she looked at the male above her.

"Fine, but I will only give your leader our names." The black scary tom hissed before stepping back so the queen could get up.

"Thank you. I'm sure Silverstar will let you all stay. Thank you again. Just follow me." I purred and started to head back toward the camp.

I just hoped that Thorntail and Honeyear would be okay doing the patrol by themselves. We could have some new warriors, apprentices, and kits if they could actually join the clan! This could be the break we have been looking for. I just wanted them to be safe.

Warriors: Second Strike: Book 4: EmbersWhere stories live. Discover now