Chapter 29: "BeLIEve Me"

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Chapter 29: "BeLIEve Me"

"Fucking hell, Cecilie! What part of 'Go home and leave us be.' didn't you fucking comprehend?!" Arnie snapped in a stirred rage, gaining startled stares from everyone in the restaurant.

'Us?' I am so confused.

Mads' arms were shaking uncontrollably, all of the color drained from his sweat-enhanced face, as he grabbed my forearm and leaped out for the door in a rush. Arnie and Cecilie weren't far behind as the two raced, one in front of the other, to catch up with Mads' quick stride toward the back patio.

"God damn it, Mads!" I tore my arm away from his clammy grasp. "Would you stop yanking me from place-to-fucking-place like this? I'm not a damned rag doll!"

"Elise, I'm sorry, but we need to go... now... there's no time to explain."

"No! I'm tired of this back-and-forth, run-away-from-our-problems scheme; it's high time you start explaining things to me. What the hell is going on?"

Cecilie laughed hysterically like a maniacal wench. "You haven't told her yet, have you darling?"

Told me what?

Mads yelled back at her in an steaming fury, his veins visibly rising against the surface of his whitened skin. "Leave her the fuck alone you twisted bitch!"

Where the hell did that come from?!

"Now, now min kærlighed... Is that any way to speak to the mother of your un-born child?" She stroked the entirety of her lower abdomin.

UN-BORN CHILD!?!?!?!?!?!

"Hold k'ft! Are you fucking mental?!! For the last God-damned time, I am NOT the father of your child, you delusional kusse!"

"Fuck, Cecilie!" Arnie threw his arms in the air. "We've already been over this whole fucking thing when you published that article nearly three weeks ago. Stop enforcing these outrageous fabrications!"


My arms were crossed over one another as I grimly scowled at Mads. "What article?"

"Elise, it's nothing! She's a fucking lunatic! Come on... Let's leave.."

"Ah! Here it is!" Cecilie fumbled through the crap in her oversized Coach purse. "Here you are, Elise, I saved a copy for your convenience. Honestly, I didn't want front page, but the editor at The Times simply insisted!"

"DENMARK'S BABY ON BOARD" she flaunted the bold title right before my face as I snatched the paper from her hand and continued to read on.

My eyes scanned persistently across the cover...

"Danish lovebirds, Mads Mikkelsen and Cecilie Olsen, publicly announced their romantic relations in Denmark last Sunday evening at Queen Margrethe II's 73rd birthday celebration. Apparently, the two close friends shared a far greater connection that saw past their previous history and developed into their unsurpassable love for one another. As if this blessed communion weren't enough of a God-send, their destiny manifested itself into their own beautiful gift of life. That's right, Denmark's hottest couple have a new baby on board! Cecilie, our expecting mother-to-be, gave us the inside scoop: 'Mads and I are absolutely delighted to announce the pregnancy! I'm about 6 weeks along now, and we're keeping our fingers crossed for a gorgeous baby boy. We cannot wait for the world to meet our little bundle of joy!'..."

I forced myself to stop reading before the tears began to burst from my terrified eyes. A special form of nausea crept in the pit of my stomach as I gained full comprehension of each disgusting word. "Y.. Y-you got her pregnant? And it's on the cover of The New York fucking Times?!"

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