My Thug

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I woke up and went to the bathroom. I showered and washed my hair. I put on my cheetah print leggings and my black sports bra. I went to get Aamaria. I gave her a bath. I put her on her blue and white stripe leggings with her blue 'Heart and Soul' shirt. I gave her a bottle and put her on Chris's bed. I put on my high waisted jeans with my red and white bow crop top and my red bottoms. I put Aamaria on her timberlands and got her bag ready. "Babe where y'all going" Chris asked coming in the kitchen with Aamaria. "To my momma house" I said taking Aamaria out of his arms. "Wait for me babe" he said wrapping his arm around my waist. "Well hurry up I'm sure my mother is going crazy" I said. He ran upstairs. I sat my baby in the high chair and gave her some grapes. I turned on the radio and started dancing. Aamaria started dancing in her chair. "Go mommas. Go mommas" I said dancing with her. "Go momma. Go momma" Chris said coming behind me. "Boy come on and get your baby" I said grabbing her bag and her snacks. We got in the car and drove to my momma's house. We pulled up and I grabbed Aamaria. Chris knocked on the door while I was fixing Aamaria shoe.

"Hey who are you" I heard my sister say I grabbed Aamaria and walked to the door. "Kayla" my sister said when I walked up. "Hey Patience" I said. "Who are they Kaybay" Patience asked. "I'm Chris Kayla's boyfriend and this is Aamaria our adopted daughter" Chris said. "Your Kayla's man. Of course" she said. I grabbed Chris and pushed through the door. I saw my momma with 6 kids. "Who are they" I asked. "These are my real kids. Christina is 5, Mariah is 6, Carti is 1, James is 3, and Trinity is 2" Patience said from behind me. All the kids look like they were good kids. I walked to my room to lay down Aamaria. "Well well well what do we have here" I heard a voice say. I turned around to see Mathew my ex boyfriend. He walked up to me and grabbed me by my hair.

I was now tired of boys taking control of me. I kicked him then punched him in the face. He fell to the floor so I kicked him in the rib. I grabbed Mari and went back in the living room. "You brought him here didn't you" I said pointing at Kayla. "He is Carti's dad" she said. "You slept with him" I said. "Kayla why don't you and Chris take the kids to the park" my momma said walking in. "Get yo kids ready" I said. Patience got up and started getting them dressed. Christina put on some blue short shorts a pink and blue flower shirt and some pink Nikes. Mariah put on some Nike shorts a Nike shirt and some Nike shoes. James and Carti had on some blue jean shorts a wife beater and some Nike Air Force ones. Trinity had on a pink dress with sandals. We walked outside. "So everyone stay together" I said. "Babe I have a twin stroller in my truck" Chris said. "Oh thank god" I said as he went to get the stroller. He also got Mari's stroller. I put James and Trinity in the stroller then put Carti in James's lap. I pushed the twin stroller Chris pushed Mari. Mariah and Christina walked. Once we got to the park Christina took off.

"Christina" I yelled. I left the stroller with Chris and ran after her. She ran into a man's arms. I finally caught up to them. "Um who are you" I said out of breath. "I'm Chrissy's dad. You can call me Tank" he said. "Im Kayla Christina's aunt" I said. "Well where her momma" he asked. "At my momma house doing god knows what" I said. "Ok tell her I said call me. I hope you don't mind me playing with Chrissy" he asked. "No problem" I said as Chris walked up with Mariah pushing Mari. "Everything cool" Chris said eyeing Tank. "Yea why you worried Boss" Tank said. "Cuz this my girl Tank" Chris said. I got the kids out the stroller and let them go play. "Oh tell your brother good job on that girl. Heard he got two kids. It's all because of me. I knew he would screw up" Tank said. "That was you who told my brother to rape her" Chris yelled. "Yea" Tank said. "Why" I asked. "It's for grown men only baby" Tank said. "It's for me to if I was the one who was raped twice" I yelled. "Shit I didn't know you were that fine. Im sorry ma" he said putting Christina down. She ran to go play. "Look playa I advise you to stay away from my brother my girl and her family or I will have some real bad people after you" Chris said. "Man whatever" he said walking away.

I sat on the bench with Chris and watched the big kids play. I saw Mariah playing on the slide with a little girl. James was jumping on the bridge with a boy who looked familiar. Christina was throwing mulch at little kids. When I got up she walked over and sat on a little boy lap who looked much older. I walked up to them and snatched her off his lap. "Hey what you doing" the little boy said. "Taking her home" I said dragging her away. The little boy grabbed my arm and Chris was soon behind me. "What you mama tell you about putting yo hands on females" Chris said stepping in front of me. "I'm sorry Boss" he said letting me go. We walked away and gathered all the other kids. We walked back to my momma house. I dropped Christina off and everyone else piled in the car. We drove to the nearest Citi Trends. I bought everyone 3 cute outfits a toy a pair of shoes and a outfit for Christmas.

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