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Phil's POV

His dad didn't care, He said he was glad Dan was leaving and that he was just a waste of space.

He mother on the other hand.

I could see a thin layer of moisture coating her eyes as if she was about to cry, it was kind of heart breaking but they don't deserve to have their son if they treat him like shit.

As we walk out, I see the worried look on Dan's face and wrap one arm around him for reasurrance.

"It'll be okay", I whisper, taking his bag off his shoulder and putting it over mine.

"I hope so", He replies, his voice cracking from the probable lump in his throat.

The walk to my flat is silent, none of us bother to make conversation because we know Dan will start to cry if he talks.

I can't help but blush with embarrasment when Dan sees my small flat, his eyes widen slightly before looking at me and smiling sweetly.

"I know its small...and a bit messy bu-"

"It looks fine"

"You can sleep in my bed, I'll take the sofa", I suggest.

"C-can we share your bed instead?", He asks unsure.

"Sure", I chuckle, feeling my cheeks heat up, "um..do yo- are you hungry?"

"No-yeah a bit"

I nod and walk into the kitchen, as always, there's nothing in the fridge or cupboards.

"We can order something"


"Will Chinese do you?"

"Yep", He smiles.

I take one of the Chinese take out menus from the coffee table and dial the number into my phone and order.

I see Dan yawn and can't help but notice how adorable he looks, I need to stop staring but I can't, he rests his head on the back of the sofa and closes his eyes slightly, I felt my cheeks heat up and I smiled at him.

I go to sit on the armchair opposite the sofa when I hear Dan:

"Phil?", He mumbles hesitantly.

"Yeah Dan?"

"Can you come and sit with me?"

"Um..okay", I reply, getting up from the chair and sitting beside Dan, our thighs touching because of the limited space.

"Are you sure you're okay with me staying here?", He asks with a slight frown on his face.

"Of course I am, I already love you staying here and it's been an hour", I smile.

"Thanks, I like it here"

"It's a bit small though, I hate it here but it's the only place I can afford"

"I dont care where we are as long as I'm with you", He smiles, I feel my cheeks burn up instantly.

"You're my only friend you know? You're the only person I have to talk to and I'm so greatful for you"

"I'm greatful for you to"

I smile instantly, what did I do to deserve such a sweet person living with me?

"Phil? You don't talk about your family much"

"There's not much to say?"

"Why's that?"

"Well", I scratch the back of my neck, "they died when I was eight, it was a bus crash"

*11 years ago*

Third person POV

"Mummy, look at that big wheel!", 8-year old Phil shouted up to his mother who just smiled at him.

"That's the London eye", She said gently.

"Can we go on it?", Phil asked excitedly tugging at his mother's hand.

"I promise another day, sweetie, We need to go home now, It's getting late"

"Okay, where's Dad?"

"He just went to the toilet he'll be back soon".

His father returned shortly after and smiled at his wife and son.

They walked down the road hand in hand, Phil bounced at every step.

"Did you wish your brother a happy birthday"

"Yeah, I told him that I hope he is happy in heaven and that I will see him one day so he shouldn't feel lonely"

"That's very nice of you", His father said gently, smiling at him.

"Dad, Can we go on the London eye one da-"

Phil was cut off by a loud crashing sound, A bus had crashed across the road from them.

Phil's parents let go of his hand and told him to stay where he was and that they'd be back.

They saw a woman stuck under some metal and ran over to her, they tried to take the metal off her but it was no use, it was being held down by something, but they didn't know what.

Phil watched intently, he didn't really understand what was happening but he stayed where he was, but then it happened so fast..

A piece of debris fell from the broken down bus and hit all three of them, killing them instantly.

"Mummy, Daddy!", Phil screamed, running across the road, not bothering to look.

He ran to where his parents previously were and tried to lift the metal off of them but failing.

He felt himself being picked up and screamed. He blocked out the gentle words of support and comfort and just screamed for his dead parents, kicking and screaming.

They told him the news later when he was calm, He cried and screamed even more but eventually calmed down, "you dont need to be lonely now", He looked up at the sky, "Mummy and Daddy are with you now, please don't be sad for me, I'm happy that you are not lonely now", He wiped a tear off his cheek.

"I never did go on the london eye", Phil sighs.

"Phil I'm so sorry about everything", Dan says, wrapping his arms around Phil.

(A/N: Hi )

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