182 6 12

(Oh hey, 13 is an unlucky number.....)

"Dan?", Phil whispered, shaking the sleeping boy's shoulder gently.

"Huh?", Dan looked over at the clock on his bedside drawer, "It's like three a.m"

"I-I need to leave", He sighed.

"What why?", Dan asked, fully awake now, as he sat up quickly.

"I heard your parents talking, they really dont want me here".

"You probably dreamt it", Dan said, trying to convince him.

"No, Dan, I didn't, I'm sorry", He said gently.

"Please", Dan's voice cracked as tears started to form, "at least let me come with you?"

(A/N: I wasn't meant to write it in third person, whoops)

He didn't reply to the younger boy, Just shook his head a placed a long, Gentle kiss on his lips.

"Dan, we need to tal- What the fuck are you going?!"

Phil pulled away quickly, fear blanketing his blue eyes.

"It not what it looks li-", Dan started.

"Save it Dan!", His father, almost screamed, walking over to Phil, teeth clenched.

Dan looked over at his mother, pleading silently, she shook her head and closed her eyes, not letting her son see her cry.

"I'm sorry", She mouthed to him before walking away, head in her hands.

"You have no right to make my son like this, He isn't a pathetic fag like you!", He pushed Phil back slightly.

"What do you mean?, you beat your son, you hurt him, you dont care about him, you're a shit parent, even your wife seems scared of you!"

Phil regretted what he said as he saw Mr Howell's eyes light up in rage, It was all a flash, He saw a fist and then black.

"Phil?!, Phil?", I don't know if he's alive!, Phil!"

"Of course I'm alive", He groaned, "It was only a punch"

"Thank fuck!", Dan said, wrapping his arms around Phil.

Phil was surprised at first but soon wrapped his arms around Dan' s waist.

He raised his eyebrows at the marks around Dan's neck, "Dan?"

Dan hummed in reply.

"What are those marks on your neck? What happened?"

"Oh, I, Um", He pulled away quickly and sat against his bed.

"Was it your Dad?"

He nodded slowly, rubbing his arm in embarrasment.


"He wanted to pull you out of the house and leave you outside, I wouldn t let him and he pinned me against the wall and-and-"

"Shh, Its okay, I'm here now, I'm okay, I'll look after you", Phil cut him off, pulling him on to his lap and wrapping his arms around him, Placing a kiss on his forehead.

"If it wasn't for my mum, he would have choked me to death", He whispered.

"He's awake, now leave", His father said as he walked into the room.

"My fucking pleasure", Dan spat.

"Dont talk to your father like that"

"You're no father"


Dan took Phil's hand and led him downstairs.

"I'm sorry Dan", Phil whispered as they walked through the doorway.

"You have nothing to be sorry for"

They heard the door open again to reveal Dan's mother, she sprinted to them, holding some sort of stuffed animal.

"Dan, I'm so sorry, I know I've been a terrible mother, the worst, you have every right to hate me, I understand, when you were born I was young and scared, your Dad beat me for being pregnant in the first place, he did this to you-us, but please, before you go, take these", She handed him a roll of money and teddy bear, "you're going to need this and, This bear was your favourite when you were younger, you wouldn t sleep unless you had it, but your dad, he took it away when you were two, he did it so i wouldn t sleep properly, because you wouldn't. I kept it all these years, now you should have it to remember me, I love you, so much", She let her tears roll down her face and Kissed Dan's forehead.

She turned to Phil and took his hand in hers, "Take care of my son", She kissed his cheek quickly.

"I will", He replied gently, Putting his hand over hers.

"I love you to, mum",  Dan whispered, voice cracking because of the lump in his throat.

He'd never said that to her before, it felt right.

She smiled and ran into the house, fear in her eyes.

They waved sadly to her and began to walk away, hand in hand.

A/N: Sorry, this was quite sad....

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