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They left for Australia 2 days later.

Dan and Phil both cried the night before, Martyn had let Dan stay, none of the two wanted to go home.

Phil had been packing his small amount of belongings into a suitcase, when they did eventually go back so Phil could gather his things, it had been harder than expected, he would pick up things that reminded him of his relationship that ended all too soon and feel his heart shatter even more.

Dan sat on the bed while he did this, he laughed when Phil Laughed and cried when Phil cried.

Suddenly Phil dropped the shirt he was folding and turned to Dan quickly, cupping his face lightly.

"Dan, I can stay, It-Its It's not too late to cancel, I can just stay here with you and we can have a future and g-get married and have ki-", the last part, He whispered, "and have kids".

Dan felt tears prick at his eyes again and gently pulled Phil's hands away by his wrists and holding them in his own, "shh, it's okay, shh, stop crying", He whispered gently.

"I'm not happy without you", He croaked.

"You will be, maybe not yet but soon", He let go of his hands and stepped back, "You'll find Someone better than Me, Someone riddled with less problems, someone who can take care of you properly and who c-can make you happier, someone with an Australian accent, that I know you love", They both chuckled lightly at the accent part.


"Its okay", He smiled.

"It's okay", Phil said back.


Dan replayed this in his head a million times after Phil left, He hadn t said a proper goodbye, they said their goodbyes yesterday, it was less painful that way.

He looked around the mostly empty flat and sighed, closing his eyes, only to re-open them quickly, "It's not Okay!", He said to no one in particular.

Before he could process his actions, He rushed out the house, a heavy backpack weighing him down slightly.

The half an hour journey seemed hours long, Dan Knew that they would be flying around half 4 and the time was 20 to (3:40), He kept glancing down at his cheap watch he brought himself, his leg bouncing with anxiety.

He arrived at the airport just before 4:30, the traffic caused him to be slightly late.

He glances at the countdown, not knowing exactly how it works but looking for any that say Australia.

He couldn't see any going to Australia, He looked around in panic, He knows he's missed it.

He walks around the corner, just in case, He holds onto a tiny bit of hope but it disappears when he doesn't see the same blue eyes, the same fluffy black hair, doesn't hear his soft voice or laugh, nothing.

He turns around, losing all hope, this was it, he'd never see Phil again, never feel the same ecstasy he felt around him, never.

Then suddenly, them same blue eyes link with his.

He takes a step back, pinching his arm, it's real, He isnt dreaming.

"Phil, oh my God, Phil", He feels tears of joy sting his eyes as he runs up to him and engulfs him in a warm embrace, which Phil gladly returns.

"I knew you wouldn't give up on us", Phil says into his hair.

"How could I? You're all I have on this dull universe"

They pull away slowly, smiling at eachother through teary eyes.

"I-I thought you flew at four thirty?", Dan asks.

"It got delayed," He smiles.

"Thank fuck for that", Dan smiles and slams his lips into Phil's in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

"Get a room", They hear Martyn say from behind them and Dan pulls away, blushing, still smiling though.

"Phil convinced me to buy you a ticket incase you changed your mind, it looks like you did so I won't have to make you send the money over", He grins.

"Are you going to come with us then?", Phil asks hopefully.

"Of course, you spork", He laughs.


"Are you ready to be stuck on a plane with me for twenty four hours?", Phil teases, nudging him, "yeah? Yeah? We can play I spy!", He jokes.

Dan pretends to be annoyed, putting his face in his hands but quietly laughing, "actually I've changed my mind", He jokes pretending to walk away but being pulled back by Phil who just smiles at him and kisses him again, gently.


"You ready to put some shrimp on the barbie?", Phil says in a bad Australian accent, making them both laugh.

"Hey!", A person with an Australian accent says from behind them says, they turn around to see a blonde girl, around 9, leaning over the seats, "First of all, your accent was terrible and second of all, we dont say that!"

"Oh, sorry", they both say in unison, causing them all to laugh.


"So that game of I spy", Phil says.

"Go on then"

"You go first"

"I spy", He looks around the cabin, "I spy a happy ending".


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