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Dan's POV

'He won't be awake for a while', I hear a low feminine voice say.

'Are You sure? It wasn't that bad was it?', I hear a male voice say, it sounds like phil, is it my phil?

'Im awake!', I try to say, but what is followed is silence, 'I'm awake! Phil, please, I'm sorry'

No one hears, they can't, this is all in my head, I'm unconscious.

'Phil please!'.

I hear foot steps and a hand is slipped into mine.

Come on, wake up! Wake up!

'I love you Dan', I hear him say and I feel his lips press to my hand.

At this moment, I open my eyes and I see a blurred room.

Phil's POV

I feel Dan's hand move and look at his face, his eyes are opening, his mouth is moving a bit.

"Dan!", I whisper.

"W-who are You?"

"It's me, Phil, Dan, You haven't forgotten, have You?"

I walk out of the room, tears threatening to spill and I call a nurse, I explain it to her.

"He's under drugs, he won't remember much for a few hours and he'll get confused, don't worry, Love, he'll remember you by tommorow"

"Thank you", Is all I say back and I go back into the room.

"Get out!", He screams, tears spilling down his cheeks, "I don't know you!"


"W-where's my mum?!"

"Oh, Dan, You don't remember do You?", I say sympathetically and sit down on the chair next to his bed, "Your mum, she....she isn't here anymore"

"What do you mean, where did she go?"

"Dan, she's dead"

"You're lying!"

"I wish I was, I'm sorry"

"No, no, no....d-did you kill her?"

"God, no, Dan, I would never-"

"You did!, You killed my mother!"


"Get out before i call the police!"

I sigh and leave the room, I know he can't call the police but I didn't want to put him under distress, He is attached to wires and his arms are bandaged, it's a horrible sight, I hate seeing him like that.

Dan never had a relationship with his mother, but the natural bond they shared was inevitable, sure, Dan hated her for most of his life, but it's like when a small child is sick, most of the time they cry and cry for their mum, It's nature.

But, his mum isn't here anymore, he thinks I did It.

Maybe I did.

If I Never spoke to Dan, none of this would have happened.

His mum would still be alive.

He wouldn't be lying in a hospital bed with slit wrists, In tears.

But he also wouldn't have got away from his dad.

He only had a year left of school, he could have got a job and left on his own, couldn't he?

He could have got a successful career and brought a house, settled down, had a family.

But now he can't, because of me.

Unless I leave..

But he wouldnt have anyone then.

I can't leave.

Why couldn't they just leave me to go with my parents?

No one really needs me.

I sit against the wall and cry into my arms, How pathetic.

(A/N I had a bit of writers block so the last two chapters were fillers.
Hope you liked this chapter)

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