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I sit on the toilet in Phil's bathroom, trying to clean the stains off my uniform and failing miserably, getting frustrated and hitting my knee.

"Here, Let me help", Phil says, walking in the room and taking the damp cloth in my hand and dabbing it on my clothes.

"I hate myself", I mutter under my breath, sitting up properly on the toilet.

I saw Phil's eyes widen slightly, He dropped the cloth and sat down on the floor, taking my hands in his.

"Come here", He says gently, holding his arms out, I oblige.

"I'm not going to tell you to stop hating yourself, I know you can't do that, but, I want you to understand that a billion coincidences happened for you to exist, which must mean you're loved by someone"

"I love you", I say, in a friendly way.

"I love you to Dan"

I look up at him, our arms still around eachother, we lock eyes. He puts his hand on my chin and soon enough, our lips colide.

None of us planned this, we are just living in the moment and I don't want it to ever stop.

Phil pulls away too quickly, a worried look on his face, He takes his arms off me but I stay in his lap, my cheeks flushed.

"I-I'm sorry, I should h-have asked, You didn't want this, I'm sorry, I'm sor-"

I cut him and peck his lips quickly, stopping him from rambling.

"Don't be sorry, I didn't mind it", I whisper, a smile on my face.

I see him blush and he smiles at me.

"Y-You should probably go get changed"

"Okay", I say gently, kissing him once more on the cheek and climbing out of his lap.

I go into our room and take my shirt off, a stupid smile on my face.

Phil's wardrobe is empty, I call him in and see his eyes widen slightly when he sees me, he looks me up and down not so subtly.

"Y-yeah?", He says, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"There's no more clothes in here".

"Oh, Yeah, um, they're in the wash", He replies, gulping.

"Oh okay, I'll wait", I smirk.

He walks over to me and places his hands on either side of my hips.

"A-are you okay with this?"


He nods, squeezing my hips slightly, making me gasp.

I feel his lips on my neck and he sucks on my collarbone.


"Is this okay, sugar cane?"

I nod in response, tilting my head back to give him more access.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door and I almost groan in annoyance.

"Coming", He says, heading towards the door.

"Hopefully in more ways than one", I say under my breath, Laughing to myself a bit.

Phil comes back with a few letters, some junk mail and sets them on the table.

"I'll check them later", He says casually, Heading into the kitchen.

I nod and walk into the bathroom and examine myself in the mirror to see a red-ish Mark forming on my skin.

"Shit", I mutter, "How am I going to hide a hickey?"


[Insert Lenny face coz Idk how to make one]

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