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Dan left for school a few hours ago, He left me a note.

Altough I have lived on my own for a few years now, I can't seem to get comfortable in my own company any more.

Well I never have been comfortable with my own company, I've just become used to it, Surely you have to get used to the one person you're going to spend your entire life with? Yourself.

I don't know why, But I panic, Its been a few hours but I can't help but panic, I've only know Dan for around a week, but I've become so attached to him, I care about him.

I have a bad feeling about today and I dont know why, maybe it's just- I don't know what it is!

And as I pace my small flat i hear my phone ringing and run to it immediately, Dan's name is on the screen.

"H-hello?! Are you okay?", I look at the time, school isn't finished yet.

"I guess so....It's just some kids..."

"Dan, what happened?!", My voice now Has a tone of concern to it.

"I'm not hurt, well not physically, But some kids started throwing food at me and were laughing at me, I ran into the toilets crying and it made them laugh more", I hear a small sob escape his lips.


"I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for!"

"I do, I've brought so much trouble to you life and-and-"

"Dan, you really haven't, I'm coming to get you, I'll see you soon, okay sugar cane?"


Dan's POV

They found out...

About everything.

They found out about my parents.

About Phil.

About myself in general.

I don't know how.

But they did.

They don't want to help me.

They dont care.

At all.

Why would anyone care about me?

I'm Irrelivent.

I'm not needed.

No one really likes me.

I can feel myself falling.

I'm falling into a void of emptiness.

I'm not going to land on my feet.

I know I'm not.

I dont know if I will ever land.

I could just fall forever.

And forget.

About everything.

About my family.

About school.

About myself.

About Phil.

But I wont do that.

Not yet.

I get a call from Phil, He says he's outside, His breathing is heavy, He must have ran here.

I'm not worth it.

I look at myself one more time in the mirror and try to brush out all the pieces of crisps out of my hair.

There's stains on my uniform that I can't get out right now.

I leave the bathroom with a sigh and walk through the halls, Head held low, ignoring the Stares and laughs from others.

"Howell?", A teacher I cant name right now calls me, I ignore him.

"Howell!", This time he has a hand on my shoulder and has stopped me just in front of the doors.

"What happened?"


"It doesn't look like nothing, do you need to talk or should I call your parents or-"

"My, Er, friend is outside waiting for me, I'll be fine with him", I give him a fake smile.

"If you're sure"

"I am, I trust him"

He nods and I walk out the doors, my mood lightening a bit when I see Phil, I want to run up to him and jump in his arms, But people can see me. I wait until the doors close and I run to him and wrap my arms around his waist, Nestling my head into his chest, He just wraps his arms around me, not caring about the stains on my clothes.

"Let's get you home, sugar cane"

"T-to my parents?"

"No,  you're home is with me now", He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Thank you", I whisper, a lump forming in my throat, "Thank you so much"


I actually got motivation to write woo.

It's half six In the morning and I haven't slept all night 👌.


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