McDonalds dates // Luke

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you were laying in your bed, pondering life until the buzz of your phone broke the silence. you reached for your phone and saw a notification that your best friend, Luke had texted you. your heart raced, as it always did when he texted you as you swiped right to go to the message. Your phone screen illuminated your face as you read the text "I'm bored and I want a McChicken. I'll pick you up in 5."
You smiled, as you typed your reply.
"As long as I get aux privileges" about 30 seconds after you hit the "send" button he replied. "Always". You smiled looking at the reply and jumped off your bed. you walked over to the mirror and tried to decide how you could make yourself look like you hadn't just rolled out of bed, even though you had. You were wearing a Black Neck Deep shirt, that used to be Luke's and black leggings. you didn't own a wide variety of colored clothing, so you decided to slip on your black high top vans, and a black beanie with the All Time Low "future hearts" logo, the blue in the ATL logo was a slightly lighter color than your turquoise hair, that was in loose second day curls. As you grabbed your phone, you looked out of your window and saw Luke pulling into your driveway. It was a bit late, so you tried your best to quietly walk down the stairs and out of the front door. You successfully made it out of the door without your parents hearing you, and you walked to the passenger side of his vehicle and hopped in. As he pulled out of your driveway you plugged his aux cord into your phone and selected "secrets" by one of y'alls favorite band, State Champs. The two of you jammed out all the way there and you unplugged your phone from the aux as he pulled into a parking spot. As he was scrolling through his phone before y'all got out, you decided to tell him a joke. "Knock knock" you said excitedly. He looked up from his phone and with a half smile he replied "who's there" you replied as you were trying not to giggle "little old lady" "little old lady who" he said as he sighed."I didn't know you knew how to yodel!" you said as you were trying to hold back laughter. he just looked at you, ashamed at the terribly cheesy joke, and not even 2 seconds of him judging you, you both bursted out in laughter at the cheesy joke. about 10 minutes later, you two both collected yourselves and got out of
his vehicle and crossed the parking lot to go inside, Luke leading the way. As he approached the door he opened it, and motioned for me to go in front of him. "Losers first" he said as he smirked, causing you to slightly blush. You walked into the line that had formed, with Luke behind you.

when it came time for us to place our order Luke pushed you out of the way and started ordering for both of you. Reciting what you had told him was your favorite meal a couple weeks ago you couldn't help but smile at the small but considerate action.

He finished putting the order in and bumped into you playfully as he went to where y'all would receive the food.
About 5 minutes later y'all were playing never have I ever with chicken nuggets, Luke had decided to order two 20 piece meals,even though there was no way y'all could eat that."

the rules went like this: who's ever turn it was, the opposite person would say something they've never done. If the person who's turn it was has done the thing before, they have to eat a chicken nugget. the two of you played this game for about 30 minutes, each turn learning things about each other and eating chicken nuggets you otherwise wouldn't. There were only 1 chicken nugget left and it was luke's turn. You thought of a good one for a moment, with curiosity you stated "Never have I ever... injured myself while trying to impress someone who I was interested in." Luke looked in thought, and without a word, ate the remaining chicken nugget. After all the food was gone the two of you got up from the booth, threw away the paper food containers and the remainders of the now melted ice cream Luke had ordered previously. As you followed him out of the door you jumped on his back and giggled at him being so caught off guard. He ran with you on his back to his vehicle as the two of you both laughed senselessly. He brought you to the passenger side of his vehicle, opened the door and sat you in the seat. As you plugged the aux into your phone he made his way to the drivers side of the vehicle. You were looking through your Spotify to find something to play as luke started the vehicle and pulled out of the McDonalds parking lot. Your indecisive self decided just to put your playlist on Shuffle and be done with it. You looked over at Luke, who although was paying attention to the road, looked to be in deep thought about something.

the words lingered in your mind. "Never have I ever  injured myself while trying to impress someone who I was interested in." You know there was no denying that last spring when Alex came to the skate park to watch you and Noah you had tried to land a trick that you hadn't before, and failed in an attempt to impress her, but it only resulted in her and Noah laughing, and you a sprained ankle. You knew that alex had been your best friend since 3rd grade, the two of you were both homeschooled and your mom's were really close, so that resulted in lots of study sessions and hangouts. The thought of you two being more than just friends was something that entertained you for as long as you could remember. Although you thought the two of you were perfect for each other, it always worries you that she either A.) wouldn't be interested in you romantically, or B.) yall would try and date and it would end horribly and down the drain goes your best friend
for almost 13 years. "What if i confessed my feelings and they weren't reciprocated?" I wondered silently to myself. Your thoughts were interrupted by a rather familiar voice. "what's on your mind, bub?" Alex curiously piped up. You struggled to find your words, quickly debating and then deciding that you shouldn't confess your feelings. "Oh, uh.. i-it's nothing, I just got in a daze." You lied, and the both of you knew. As you approached a stop sign, you took your eyes off the road. You looked to your right, and locked eyesight with the beautiful girl you called your best friend. Her hazel eyes that were easy to get lost in were illuminated by the street lights, making the green in them visible. The thoughts of alex being yours circulated through your head as the song "She Lays Down" by the 1975 played softly from her phone. You were trying to muster up the courage and words to tell alex how you felt. "hey, um... so there's these things,, called feelings... and I-well i.. um" she interrupted your stuttering with a kiss that was perfect in every way possible- and not just because it was with the girl of my dreams ever since i was a pubescent little boy. In the midst of what was possibly the best moment of my life, I heard a loud HONK that startled both of us, causing us to jump to the other sides of our seats. I drove off fast in humiliation, hoping the person who honked couldn't see our silhouettes. As I drove to Alex's house we sat in silence, but it was a weird type of silence. it wasn't like the awkward silence that usually occurs when I make a fool of myself around people, it was almost like a calming silence. a silence that I was new to. What happened at the stop sign as well as a million other thoughts about it and scenarios that might follow raced throughout my mind. A part of me wanted to say something, knowing that the same things were probably going through Alex's mind as well. Another part of me, however didn't want to break the silence, knowing me, i would probably just say something awkward and make the both of us uncomfortable. We shortly arrived at alex's house, I was relieved and sad at the same time, knowing our outing was coming to an end. I had parked in her driveway,avoiding eye contact trying to figure out what to say, until alex broke the silence. "Hey, I know this might be weird, and i'm sorry about back there at the stop sign, but I just really wanted to tell you that.... that I like you." the last part of her sentence trailed off as she slowly looked up at me. I looked back at her and my smile grew at the words that just came out of her mouth. "What? don't apologize. it-it was amazing." you said quietly as you looked down and blushed slightly. "So.. what does this mean about our friendship? I don't want our dumb feelings to ruin an amazing friendship." I continued. Alex looked away in deep thought, searching for a solution. a few moments later, she looked at me and said "Luke, our friendship is so strong, and we both have feelings for each other, so i think if anything, it would be dumb not to act upon our feelings. i mean, if we decide that dating each other won't work out, then that will be that, back to just best friends. if we let that ruin our relationship, i will seriously fight you." you laughed slightly, at the comforting affirmations. "it's getting late though, you probably should be getting home, it's passed your bedtime anyway." she joked. you smiled as you said "bye loser, text me later" "we'll see" she retorted, but we both knew she would. As you pulled out of her driveway it really hit you. The girl that you had only dreamed about being yours for so long could possibly be. You smiled to yourself just thinking about it.


hello lovelies !! i'm alex (hence the character name) and me and my friend morgan are going to start writing one shots/imagines. You might know us from twitter as @clumsilycalum & @I'm_JustAReject. if you liked this, make sure to vote, comment, and add to your library, it would be greatly appreciated !!

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