bestfriend // luke

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being best friends with Luke would include:

-  him sending u weird meme texts but you sending something equally as weird 

- him randomly Face Timing you when he learned how to do a fancy skateboard trick and him being rlly cute and excited about it 

- eating at dunkin together  (a lot)

- him sending you covers asking if he should post it / covers he's never even posted 

- platonic movie dates and cUDDLES 1!!1!!!!

- him getting jealous when Rylee likes you more than him

- him trying to teach you how to skateboard 

(ref. to PLL music vid ft. coll)

- knowing all of his little quirks and personal things such as his favorite soft drink, fav childhood movies, memories, etc. 

- him saying something goofy and smiling at his own joke / smiling at something you say (yOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT)

 hi frens !! so idk if anyone will read this, but i started a YouTube channel and it would be really appreciated if y'all would subscribe !! i make A Summer High content and music based content in general and it would just mean a lot !! my channel is alexalright,  ily all!!

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