The Minion Fic

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Jame's POV

It was a hot and steamy night up in the back of the movie theater. While Payton and I were were on a date we decided to act like the five year olds we are and go see Minions 48. Though halfway through we decided to be the twenty one year olds we are and almost had a makeout session. Well until a bunch of parents decided that they'd cock block. So after we was so rudely interupted I inquired that we should go somewhere a little more private.

"No! I wanna see the rest of the movie!" Payton whisper yelled gaining the attention of the entire back row.

"But babe, the minions aren't that important," I reply pouting.

"More important than you,"

"Well I guess i know where I stand," I say literally standing to block her from seeing the movie screen.

"Yeah, and it's not right there." That' when I know I should take my leave and let my girlfriend. Key word ther 'should'.

"But babe, come on. We can rent the movie when it comes out, just a second ago you were all over me. What happened?"

"Stop distracting me from the tiny yellow beings and their love for bananas."

"Well, you love my banana more right," I say smugly and wink.

"Welll your banana isn't getting any action tonight if that's what you were hoping for," she says and crosses her arms. With that I know that I must take my leave and I go to the arcade in the lobby hoping I didn't screw up too badly this time.

A/N: Please don't take this or the last chapter of this book seriously its 1 am and I'm bored and kinda wanted to make cringe parody type of imagines and this is what me and my friend came up with so here are these to make your night a tad more interesting. And if you haven't go stream Here To Stay it's  whole bop and the boys deserve plays :)

A Summer High ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora