December to Remember you. / James

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(a/n i know this is kinda long but i promise it makes up because it's supa cute !!)
You woke up to your favorite song "I Need You Here" being blasted as your alarm. You reached for your phone as you were half asleep, as your eyes adjusted to the bright light of your phone screen, you practically jumped out of bed from excitement as you read the date "December 9". Today was the day that you were going to see your favorite band live with your best friend, Morgan. You decided to FaceTime her to wake her up and get her hype. Your phone rang only twice before she picked up and you realized that she was hype all on her own, and possibly had enough for the two of you. "kATHERINE DO YOU KNOW WHAT TODAY ISSSS!!!!!" she screamed, making it sound more like a statement than a question. "YES OF COURSE TODAY IS THE DAY WE SEE ASH LIVE !!!" the two of you both squealed in excitement, you paused as you told her to come over so y'all could get ready together. "Okay see you in 10!" you said excitedly as you ended the FaceTime call. Your heart fluttered as you thought to yourself of the possibility of you meeting your sunshine, James. You had been a fan of A Summer High ever since you saw them performing in the parking lot at your SLFL date at Hershey. You wanted to meet them that night, but your shyness and awkwardness got the best of you and you decided otherwise. Since then, they had became your favorite band and you loved them with all of your heart. You always beat yourself up for not overcoming your shyness and meeting them at SLFL, so when they announced that they were touring and one of their stops was Pittsburgh, you basically begged your mom to let you drive all the way there and decided that it wouldn't make a difference if you took some money out of your College fund that you had been saving money in since you were 5 for Gas, Tickets, Merch, Food, and a Hotel Room for the night of the concert. And, although you absolutely hated driving, you would do anything to see them live, even if that meant driving for almost 5 hours with Morgan, which you knew was an adventure on its own. As you were day dreaming of the night to come, your pleasant thoughts were interrupted by someone jumping on your bed, that person being your best friend. You looked up at her and smiled, and the two of you immediately started talking about how excited the two of you were. After a good 5 minutes of Morgan explaining in detail of how she was going to kidnap mason, force him to live in her basement, and make him fall in love with her, You interrupted her slightly concerning plans. "easy there... maybe you should start getting ready instead of planning how you're going to sneak backstage. she sighed, but agreed, and with that, the two of you started getting ready. you walked over to your mirror in your room and began brushing your tangled dark Purple hair.Once the two of you finished your hair and makeup, you walked over to your closet and tried putting together the perfect outfit. After a few minutes of deep thought, you decided to wear your black "Waterparks" shirt. which was not only one of your favorite bands, but james' as well. You tucked the shirt into a black tennis skirt you got from Forever 21, and you finished off the outfit by adding some black fishnet stockings, maroon Doc martens, and a choker. You turned to Morgan, who was wearing black skinny jeans, an all time low t-shirt, and her white high top Vans. The two of you finished getting ready and decided to leave early so you could get good spots, considering it was all General Admission. Morgan put the ASH demo that mason had given the two of you 5 months prior at SLFL into your CD player and the two of you begun what was going to be a 5 hour jam session.

You parked in a parking lot that was within walking distance of the smiling moose, which was the venue ASH was playing. You and morgan were pretty early, so you decided to wait outside the venue, despite it being like 20 degrees outside, and you only wearing a skirt and a t shirt, but after a few minutes of debating it, you decided that potentially getting hypothermia was
worth getting being close to the stage.

After a few hours of standing outside, the venue doors finally opened and the line of teenage girls filled the venue. After Run2Cover was done with their set and had gone off the stage you saw your favorite 4 boys had replaced them, You could tell where all of the ASH stans were, based on the screams. They introduced themselves and began their set. you and Morgan jumped and sang their lyrics with the boys. they were playing "I Need You Here", and when it came to your favorite part, you looked up and sang along with mason, "it's hard to see when you're lost and so alone, the stars in the sky start to feel like ho-ome" As you were singing along, you couldn't shake the feeling of someone staring at you. You looked up and locked gazes with a boy who you recognized as James Anthony, your sunshine. He smiled as you and Morgan jumped around to the song, as did mason after he dragged out the "home" in the lyrics. It kind of embarrassed you that he saw you make a fool of yourself, but you decided to just shake it off and have a good time anyway.

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