He's a Keeper

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It was a Tuesday night and being in college means that you're studying. Well more like telling yourself you're studying when in reality you're just staring off into space thinking about how much you don't wanna do this math assignment. Too bad you're too comfortable. Your boyfriend Mason was just such a warm and comfortable pillow. He looks down at you foundly, knowing fully that you haven't even attempted the math homework you're staring at. He sits up, much to your dismay.

"I have an idea!" he says excitedly, "you put this stuff in your room and meet me back here in ten,"

You do as your told kind of nervous about what he could be planning. There is a very high chance of ending up looking like an idiot.

After waiting the painstakingly long ten minutes Mason makes his way over to you...wearing a Mario onesie, and holding a princess peach one out to you.

"Here put this on!" he practically throws it in your face. Well, I guess there isn't any point in arguing. You put the onesie on and laugh at how ridiculous you both must look.

"Alright, time for the fun part! Follow me," what you think he meant to say is 'i will drag you even if you don't wanna go"

Eventually you both end up in a booth at Mcdonalds waiting for the 40 nuggets that he ordered.

You both end up sitting there until they closed and afterward Mason surprised you once more with driving down what is know a "Candylane" and suffocating you with compliments like "the lights are pretty but they can never compete with you,"

And you're pretty sure that no one can beat Mason in the boyfriend department.

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