Sleepovers and Second Chances

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"We're on Gloomy Tour! Get your tickets here *insert link*" you get a notification from twitter saying Noah Oxendale had tweeted.

Of course his band would go on tour with your favorite artist. Not to mention the fact that they would be going to the city of Akron, where you reside. You think about the pros and cons to going to the tour. The pros would be seeing and meeting Riz, and jamming out with my friends who love Riz as well. The cons would be having to face Noah after what he's done to you. Oh and the fact that your friends are still buddies with the members of A Summer High.

Eventually you decide that even if the pros don't out weigh the cons you really want to see Riz live. You click the link and order your ticket.

*time skip to day of concert*

It was the day that Gloomy Tour would be in Akron and you were both beyond excited and beyond nervous. You haven't talked to Noah or his bandmates since the incident, and that was two years ago.

You try to shake those thoughts out of your head as you want to enjoy the day ahead of you. The day would consist of you and your friends going to the Cheesecake Factory, hanging outside the venue for a while, then going in when the doors open. After the concert you would be going to your friend Alyssa's house ad sleeping over.

You had taken your time getting ready while going over the plan for the day in your head. The makeup and outfit you had chose consisted of a lot of yellow, that is Riz's aesthetic after all. You were hoping he'd appreciate the effort.

Leaving your house you grab your bag that you had packed since last week. It had the gift for Riz and just basic necessities for a concert. You also grab your sweatshirt just in case it was chilly.

You get into your car and call Alyssa before you do anything else to see if they're ready as well.
*Ring. Ring."

"Hey hey hey" she picked up the phone and answered cheerily.

"Are you ready yet or should I come over and help you get ready?"

"Yeah we all just got finished getting ready! We're in the car right now"

"Okay! See you in a few minutes"

You hang up and off you go to Cheesecake Factory.

You get there and see your friends already sitting at a table. Walking over you notice four guys sitting at the table across from where you'd be sitting. Now normally you and your friends would talk about how cute they were and see who would be brave enough to talk to them. That person was never you, due to your insanely shy personality. This time was different though. The boys sitting there were none other than A Summer High.

You try to walk past them as ninja like as possible, and you do go unnoticed up until you're about to sit down. The culprit, Noah Oxendale.

"Hey Jess!" He says with enthusiasm

"Hi, Noah..." you say dragging it out.

"Look I'm sorry, I miss you" he apologizes

"I'm sorry but can we not do this now? I want to have a fun night, maybe after the concert we can talk but not right now"

"I guess, just know that I'm so so so sorry for what I did. I don't even know why I did it"

"I don't know either. Now I'm going to sit down and we can talk later"


You walk towards the table again and sit down.

"What did the snake want?" Sarah, one of your other friends asks.

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