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"No! We'll die if we go outside. Mason please," you say desperately trying to spend however long you have left with Mason.
"I know the whole apocalypse thing is scary, but I'll protect you, I promised you that when we started dating. I'll promise you that now," Mason replied, hugging you in that tight warm embrace that always made you feel protected.
"Ugh, fine. You know I can't say no to you after that hug" you whine.
"Good, time to go outside" and with that Mason dragged you down the stairs of your apartment building and out the door.
The first thing you notice was the intense smell. The smokey almost toxic air came in through your nostrils every time you breathed in. Walking through the clouds of smoke and just the hazy atmosphere you were in. You looked almost instinctively at Mason knowing he'd protect you.
"Don't worry. We're going to our spot. Just grab onto my arm I'll protect you," he said knowing exactly what you wanted. Well besides the wanting to go back inside.
"Really. I know it's special, but I'm not sure I want to spend my dying hours in a Walmart parking lot."
"Oh come on. It's our one year anniversary, and it's the same weather! The only difference is we could quite possibly die today"
"Wow real reassuring, thanks so much" as you finish that sentence you hear a scream and a loud bang followed by the most annoying sound in the world. A car alarm.
"Whatever, get in the car before we end up being what ever that was caused by's next victim."
"I do what I want. I'm punk rock"
"Keep dreaming, babe"
You accepted your fate of probably turning into a zombie in a Walmart parking lot and got into the car.
"Well can we at least listen to 5 Seconds Of Summer on the way there" you ask.
"Well duh. We can always listen to 5SOS."
And that's exactly what you guys did.
As soon as you got to Walmart. Shockingly the only piece of land not totally ruined, you get out of the car.
"Okay, plan of action. Just slow dance until fate decides to say game over to us,"
"I'm scared, I don't wanna die," you say crying hysterically. Barely even able to get the words out. Your chest moving up and down almost violently.
Mason gets out of the car walking over to your side. He helps you out of the car and holds you.
"Babe, you wanna know the real reason we're out here," he says hugging you and rubbing your back.
"It's not just cause you wanted our inevitable death to come sooner?"
"No, that's not it at all," Mason laughs slightly.
"Then tell me" you say calming down and pouting.
"It's because, and this is gonna sound cheesey. Like cheesier than 5 cheese nachos, or stuffed crust pizza, or-"
"Get to the point Mason. We don't have a lot of time,"
"Fine. I chose this idea because I've always said to myself, when the apocalypse started 'I will not let Angel die alone'. Now I know we could've prolonged our life, but what if I was in the shower and they found us. I would never forgive myself. If we have to die, I want it to be together,"
"I- I just stopped crying god damnit Mason. But in all honesty I've thought of those same things and the fact you still love me that much to say that to me, I don't want to lose it. Knowing I have to breaks me," just as soon as you finish saying that there was a loud explosion, causing loud bangs, screams, and at least twelve car alarms.
"Here lets slow dance," Mason says pulling his phone out connecting it to the aux chord.
"Actually we probably shouldn't play music they could hear it and come this way,"
"Good thought," Mason says and offers you his hand to start dancing.
As soon as you accept the hand he pulls you right against him and starts to quietly sing
"You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray you'll nev-
Before Mason could finish the song the police shoots him, thinking he was one of the zombies.
Grabbing onto his limp body the smell and heat of the bullet gets to you but you don't care. Crying harder than you have in your entire life you start to finish the song-
"You'll never know just how much I love you ple-plea-please do-don't take that su-sun-sunshi shine aw-wa-ay"

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