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It was the day of your first job interview. You knew it'd be stressful, even more so with the anxiety eating away at you telling you that no one is going to want to hire you. This whole thing seemed like it called for a drink from your favorite place. You hardly ever go and this was an occasion you said "screw it" to yourself.
After sitting for a moment getting yourself in check and repeating your order to yourself at least 50 times you pull your key out of the ignition. With your 5 Seconds Of Summer lanyard now hanging on your neck you walk into the store.
The first thing you notice is this kid who looks no older than 13 behind the counter. He is cute, but how does he have a job.
"Quit staring and take a picture it lasts longer" the kid says and winks at you.
"Well- I mean- I'm just-"
"I know I don't look like I'm old enough to work don't worry" he says pausing to chuckle, "but I'm actually 21"
"Hey me too!"
"Okay now the reason you're here, what would you like to order"
"I would like a grande strawberry açaí iced tea please,"
"No problamo, could I get a name. For the order solely for the order I'm not gonna try and find you on social media after what no that's crazy" the boy says all of a sudden flustered.
"You were so confident and flirty and it all went down hill," you say and giggle "and the name, Joy."
"Well that's a fitting name, I've only just met you and you've shown me the only joy I've had in my three years of working here," he says as he writes your name on the plastic cup.
Sadly you have to walk away from the boy and wait for your order but you constantly steal glances and he is no doubt staring at you even when you look away.
After a total of three minutes you hear someone call out "Joy!"
You go over to the pick up counter and grab your drink. You look at the name to see if it's Instagram worthy and you see "hi my name is mason, you're cute ;) okay no that's not me this is me XD, but here ***-***-****(insert phone number)"
You laugh at the little message and wonder how you didn't notice it took him that long to write out "joy" and how the other person new my name but that's not your priority.
Walking out of the store you hear mason yell to you "bye joy! I hope your day consists of the joy you brought me" you laugh at his cheesiness and get in your car to go to your job interview with a new found confidence. But first you put in mason's phone number. That was the most important task.

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