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It was Friday and you had just finished your senior year of high school. 12 years of torture finally done with.

Since you had so much excitement about graduating today you decided to send a snap to your two best friends. You take an insanely silly, and weird picture knowing you were sending it privately and send it to Alex and Katie. Little did you know that your finger had slipped and you had also sent it to your favorite band member. Though you died of embarrassment, it started one of the best years of your life.

The graduation ceremony had come and gone. For some odd reason you had left your phone at home. That being so the first thing you did when you got home was not change out of the cap and gown you were wearing, but check your phone. Expecting some witty or punny response from your friends you check Snapchat. Up until this point you hadn't noticed the notification saying mason sent you a snap.

Deciding to save that for last she checked her snaps from Alex and Katie first, and may or may not have fangirled whilst asking if she should open the snap. Of course they both answer with a "yes" in all caps. So that's what you did.

Opening the snap you see Mason in a pikachu onesie(this wasn't a surprise to you at all) and it was captioned "hey congrats on graduating !"

You took a screenshot, forgetting people get notified when you do that on Snapchat, and sent it to her friends. You all fangirled and you were still in shock. That's never happened to you before and it was your fav.

It takes you about 15 minutes to actually respond to Mason, but you finally do. It was a simple "thanks" because that's all you could think to say.

You go back to message your friends and after sending one message Mason sends you another message. You're in too much shock and too weirded out by this to check it right away, because who's favorite actually talks to them on Snapchat ?

Once again you fangirl and then finally check the message. It read "I see you took a screenshot 😏". At this point the cringe and embarrassment was too much to handle. After taking a breather for a couple minutes you go back to the message and reply with "you got a problem with that?"

"Not at all cutie" he immediately responded.

"You don't even know what I look like"

"Remember you sent that snap about you graduating ??"

"Oh yeah😅 that wasn't supposed to go to you"

"Well fate wanted it to and fate's never wrong about anything. So henlo new fren !"

"Dude you can't just throw that on me after you haven't noticed me for the entire year I've listened to your band and tweeted you every day"

*Mason sent you a video*
The video involved Mason singing "Why Can't We Be Friends" what has my life become, you think to yourself.

"Say please first, then I'll consider"

"Pretty please with whipped cream, rainbow sprinkles, and a cherry on top ?"
"Alright, I am now your friend"


"Sooooo tell me about yourself, like what's your favorite candy, or favorite book?"

And so the rest of your night consisted of you and Mason learning all about each other and having fun sending random videos and pictures to each other. It was one of the best days of your life, graduating and becoming friends with your favorite band member? How could it get any better?
*time skip a couple of months. You're starting college*

It was August and you already had to go back to school. Though this time it was mainly classes you didn't mind taking. The good part about going to school is that Mason convinced you to go to a college in Pittsburgh. This would be the first time you would be meeting as friends, as you had already met when you went to see them live at the Smiling Moose a couple years ago.

Once you finally find your dorm, who you'd be sharing with 3 other people, you opened the door to find you were the first one there. You sit down on the bed nearest to the window and claimed it as yours. You checked your phone to see if Katie, Alex or Mason had messaged you, and they had all sent something.

Katie and Alex had sent you messages along the lines of "good luck !!" And "you'll do great !!" While Mason had sent you A LOT of memes until you replied to him.

"Hey cutie" you still have no clue why that is your nickname as you're still only friends, though you wouldn't mind being more, "you need help unpacking and getting settled?(just say yes even if you don't need help, I wanna see you in person and I also am already here)"

"Sure ? I'm in room 158 if you aren't already outside my door you stalker"

"Hey I'm not a stalker I'm just really excited to see you"

"In other words you are outside my door ?"


"Come in its open"

And with that message the door swung open and within a second you were in a suffocatingly tight hug.

"CLEO" to say you melted when he said your name would be an understatement.

"MASON" you say reciprocating the hug and not letting go for a really long time. You had definitely developed a crush over the three or four months you two had been texting. The way that hug felt, seemed like Mason felt the same way. You decided not to get your hopes up and just asked something generic like "How're you?"

"That's so not your branding, but I'm good. Actually no. I'm amazing now that I'm in the presence of the most beautiful girl ever" you start thinking to yourself "maybe he does like me".

"Well my branding is socially awkward so what do you expect mister bad jokes? And that's literally the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me"

"So was that first sentence not supposed to be said out loud or ? Because I mean I was wondering if you liked me as much as I like you but I don't know I'm probably too lame and I don't even know why anyone would like me and I ju-" you cut off his rambling by placing your lips on his. He kisses you back and all you can think about is how perfectly they fit together. Your lips are like the last two pieces of a puzzle.

Before you two had separated you heard the door open. Both of you went scarlet and turn towards the door.

"Am I interrupting something? Or can I unpack? I'm your roommate Angel by the way" a very nice looking girl said as she entered.

"No no you're fine. I'm Cleo your roommate, and this is Mason my best friend"

"That didn't look like best friends before"

"Cleo, would you do the honor and be my girlfriend?" Mason said while he opened a box of Cheerios. He took one out got down on one knee and held the Cheerio out.

"Of course"

Sorry for the long imagine but I thought it was cute. Anyway if you read this go subscribe to the YouTube channel "alexalright" bc quality content man. Anyway thanks for reading love you all ❤️❤️

A Summer High ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin