Luke Oxendale

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   It was almost time to go to you With Confidence concert and you decided leaving now would give you just enough time to stop at Starbucks. You get into your car and drive to the Starbucks closest to the concert venue. You walk in to see your favorite barista and who you call your best friend, Mason.
   "Hey Angel! The usual?" He says as he notices me walk in.
   "Yep!" you respond, and wait for your green tea frappe with almond milk.

   After about 2 minutes of waiting it's ready and you go sit down seeing as you have at least 10 minutes before you have to leave. Opening your phone you scroll through Twitter and even send a tweet about how excited you are. All of a sudden your phone beeps from an airdrop. Of course you forgot to turn airdrop off. It's probably some stupid meme, which you wouldn't be mad about.
   You open it to see a meme that had the caption "you're cute, how bouta date?" Well that's a first.
   You respond with "only if you can sing Voldemort by With Confidence" Of course you chose a kind of overrated song but oh well.

   "Well I should hope so cause I'm going to their concert tonight" he replies back, this escalated quickly. He, who you didn't know what he looked like until now, stands up and starts singing the song for everyone in the coffee shop to hear. He's not a bad singer actually you say to yourself.
   "Come over here" you send and see him walk over.

   "Hi" he says casually.


   "Is it hi or hey?"

   "It's actually hello, by the way you're a really good singer"

   "Why thank you, I hope I do otherwise I probably wouldn't be a lead singer in a band"

    "Really? What band?" You say genuinely curious. You knew Mason was in a band but he never talked about it. He said it was just a small thing to do in his spare time.

   "The bands called A Summer High, you should check out our covers on our YouTube channel"

   "Okay I will! I love finding new small artists to listen to"

   "Hey it's getting late want to head to the concert now?" He asks then adds "I can drive you" You don't know whether to be worried of being kidnapped or to be pleased, but you take his offer.
   After the concert the boy, who you now know as Luke, dropped you off at the Starbucks you met at. Luckily he was really cool and not a creep. You guys jammed out hardcore and had the time of your life's.
   Before you got out of his car he starts to talk.

   "I know we only met today but there's something special about you, and I really love it. You're just really cool and I had the most fun of my life tonight. I really like you" those words coming from an almost stranger hit you like a truck. You weren't mad about it though. It meant he reciprocated your feelings. You let him know you felt the same and he leaned in closer as we listened to Missing You and at the part it goes "fuck the world cause it's my life" his warm lips touched mine and it was like time stopped and I was protected from the world.
   "And that my friends is the story of how we are here today" Mason finished his toast, reciting the story he saw/ you told him for the past 6 years. Now it was yours and Luke's wedding day and you couldn't have been happier. Luke's band, which coincidentally was Mason's too, played at the reception too. It was amazing how much your life had changed from going to a Starbucks before your concert.

A Summer High ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon