Bookstore Babe

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You and you're friend Taylor had just opened the bookstore you guys have work so hard for. It consisted of a small cafe with couches and coffee tables in the back and a bunch of shelfs containing books from John Green to SAT practice books. Hidden in the corner was a small door that lead to a staircase. If you walked up those you would find yourself in cozy little apartment where you and Taylor would live.
  The store had been open for a week or two before many people started to show up, but the second day it was in business a boy, who could be no more than 20 came in. You had never seen him before and that intrigued you as you knew most of the people in the small town you had spent the majority of your life in.
   That temperate fall day seems so long ago, though it was only a week ago. He walked to the counter at the cafe, where you were working that day.

"Hey! Can I just get a cup of black coffee with milk and sugar?" He ordered and you wanted to continue talking to him. He seemed nice enough.

"Hi! Of course, that will be $1.50. What's your name?" You asked, because you were going to put it on the cup but also just curiosity got the best of you.

"I'm Noah, but if I may ask why did you need my name?"

"To put it on the cup, and also I love having close relationships with the people who decide to come into the store"

"That's really cool. Most businesses usually just care about the profit"

"Thanks. I know it sucks. I mean of course I kind of care about profit because I need to survive and keep the store open but I'd rather the people be happy and like coming" say and hand him his coffee.

"Well I think I might just come back tomorrow. It was nice meeting you!"

"You too!" And with that he left.

You felt an odd sadness. Though the sadness lasted the entire day it went away the next. The boy, Noah decided to make the shop his daily coffee shop.

"Hey Noah!" You greet him as he walks past you.

"Hey! I actually have time to sit and talk today if you're down?" He says stopping to talk.

"I would love to!" With that answer he walks towards the coffee shop counter and orders two cups of coffee. One for himself and one for you.

You both sit down in chairs that face each other and look to each other in silence.

"So what do you do for a living?" you ask genuinely curious.

"I'm in band"  Noah replies.

"That's really cool. Music is my life"

"Really? What type of music do you like?"

"Pop rock, pop punk, punk, rock, maybe some alternative. What about you?"

"Mainly those same genres. My band plays pop rock"

"You'll have to sing something for me" and with that he just starts singing.

Check my phone, start to worry who your with when I'm not home. Is someone there or are you sleeping alone, and do they care about you like I do

He finishes and with that last line he pulls you close.

"I really do care about you, I know it's only been, what? A day? But I truly do care about you and I don't know maybe you'd consider this a date and we can go another one someday?"


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