The One That Blew Away

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Mason's POV

Laying on my back I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her lustrous brown locks flowing in the wind. Her tan being ever so smooth, and her personality. That prsonality could melt all the hearts as well as cool me down when ever someone ruind my temper. It was always her who had my back no matter what. She would always be ther for me in my times of need. Even when it was four in the morning and I just needed to rant. She would listen whispering sweet nothings and embracing me with her cool composure. I've spent many nights thinking over the reasons why people think my beliefs and feelings aren't the correct ones to have. I mean I know I'm supposed to like a certain type of person, but what if that doesn't give me the same rush as she does. She makes me want to run away but at the same time in enthralled by the feeling she gives me. It's also the matter of not being able to escape her as she invades my dreams every single night. I don't know what it is about her but I never knew it was possible to feel this way about anyone or anything. She taught me different though. I love her for that. She would always show me different views and allow me the chance to see the world in a different light. I love her more than anything else and never wish to give her up. Never wish to give my light, my happiness, and my rock. I may not always be with her but, my ceiling fan will always be my first and last ever love.

A Summer High ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz