Sk8erboi / Noah Part 1

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(AU of where Noah is basically a douchebag, no hate towards him, he's gr8. also, a lot of this is introducing the characters and setting up background, so I would advise for you to actually read this part, versus skipping all of this. Also, look forward to part 2 and so on of this!)

(also, inspired by Hey Violet's song Fuqboi)

Skylar was doing her usual routine if scrolling through Instagram while lying in bed, as she was browsing memes, she got a notification that someone had followed her. She clicked the notifications bar and saw that an account with the username of "asummernoah" had followed her. She recognized the name from her local High School, so she went creeping around on his socials, only to find that all of his pictures were selfies with his head tilted the same way, and she concluded that his favorite hashtag was indeed "beast mode". Unlike his older brother, who was the star soccer player, he wasn't very popular, however he sure thought he was. Instead of having tons of girls commenting heart eyes, his Instagram was full of lyrics from obscure indie-rock bands that no one had ever heard of except him. Surprisingly, the fact that the only people who actually liked his pictures were his mom and aunt carol, that didn't change his attitude. Although his following was small, his ego was inflated.He was one of those kids who were sound cloud musicians, and despite his measly 4 listeners, who, I wouldn't doubt consist of only family members, it did not put even the slightest dent in his ego. He was a drummer in a band with 2 other classmates that no one ever knew the names of. They were the types of kids who you only saw once or twice in the hallways, and those times were when they were being escorted to the principal's office for doing some kind of drug on school property that no one had ever heard of. Their band had a stereotypically edgy name, however no one ever cared to remember it. Noah thought that just because he played the drums, he could bang any girl he laid his eyes on. He also thought that just because he owned a skateboard and could do some basic tricks, he was the next tony hawk, and would always go on about how MTV's representatives were always sending him emails, wanting to sponsor him when he went to compete at the world cup in the summer. I was never sure as to who he was talking to, no one ever listened to his lies and his two buddies were always stoned out of their minds. Heck, I'm not even sure if they knew where they were. Even when they weren't stoned, (which was rare), trying to hold a conversation with them was like a having a conversation with a 3 year old. They had been experimenting with drugs since middle school, and even though we were only Juniors, it sure did show, not to mention their GPA's were higher than their brain cell count. And, although they weren't the epitome of popularity. neither was I. a bunch of people liked to categorize me and Noah's friends together. The "Angsty emo's" was what we were called by our peers, and although i'm not big on labels, i didn't really care too much. Those factors were the very things that I like to believe were some of the reasons I never dated in High School. Sure, all the boys are immature, and none are as painstakingly handsome as Brendon Urie, but I always wanted to know what it was like to have some extra attention from anyone who wasn't my mom. There was also the fact that I looked nothing like the cookie-cutter mold of girls that went to my school. It was like "popular" girls decided what was cool, and if you didn't fit into those standards, well, you might as well say goodbye to a social life, much less to dating. My wavy pastel pink hair was not everyone else's straight blond hair tucked behind their ears,my lip ring was not their Victoria's secret Mint lip plumping lip gloss, my ripped black skinny jeans was not their Hollister blue denim, my band t-shirts, that made me look like a walking Hot Topic ad, was not their low-cut American Eagle tank tops. Yeah, you would think that me being different from everyone else would attract guys, but nope. Pretty much all of the guys at my school were pretty shallow, and they thought that me not dressing and acting like every other girl in the school made me weird. an outcast. If we were just being completely honest, however, it didn't really bother me that much. it's not like I actually wanted to be apart of the Barbie mafia, although, i did sometimes wish I had friends other than the guidance counselor, mrs. Oliver. Sure, there had been those times when Noah called me over from across the lunchroom and invited me to sit with him and his friends, but I shut that down real quick, thinking I had out smarted his efforts and first phase of his plan to try to get in my pants. Some days, however i thought to myself about how not-so-bad his attempts would be, if that meant I actually had peers to sit with at lunch.

I was sitting in my Government class half listening to my teacher, Mr. Greene. the middle aged man was going on about some dumb project that I probably wasn't going to do. As I doodled on my sketch book i was interrupted by a voice that put me to sleep on multiple occasions. "Mrs Hart?" "Mrs hart who will you be partnering with?" As I snapped out of my daze panic began to sink in as my eyes scanned the classroom and I couldn't find anyone that wasn't in a pair. "Is there anyone else without a partner?" "Anyone at all? Mr Greene asked as he too searched the room. His attempts of finding me a partner were coming to an end until a tall boy with a beanie and black skinny jeans opened the door, Mr Greene's eyes diverted to the boy as his face lit up. "Here you go, Ms Hart. You and mr oxendale can partner up." Speaking of mr oxendale, why exactly  are you so late?" The boy who I recognized from Instagram slightly smirked as he began to explain his whereabouts. "oh, sorry dude I just got off the phone with a really important representative with rockstar energy drinks pertaining to a brand deal" I rolled my eyes as mr Greene looked at the him with skepticism. "ah huh, I'm sure.." he trailed off as he told everyone to get into their groups and figure out what we were doing for our project. The boy walked over to my desk and joined me as he pulled a chair to my desk. "So, I know we don't usually do his assignments, but I need to turn my F into at least a C, and i know your grades aren't exactly thriving either, so I suggest we at least turn something in." Noah said condescendingly. A part of me was offended of his accusations of my grades, however another part of me knew he wasn't wrong. I sighed, "Whatever. If you find out what the actual project is about I guess I'll donate my free time." "Deal. meet me at the library after school" He replied. As we finalized our deal the bell rang, dismissing us.

anti climactic, I know. but this was only part 1, so get ready for part 2 and so on. if you enjoyed this or are intrigued, it would be cool if you would add this to your library and vote for this !!

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