Chapter 5

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~Mackenzie's POV~





I lazily smacked the top of my alarm clock and shifted into a different position. I laid there for a couple minutes. I got up and went to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower and let the hot water drizzle over me. I finally got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I blow dried my hair and quickly picked something to wear. A black sweatshirt with gray sweatpants.

7:35, my clock read. I ran back in the bathroom and threw my hair in a messy bun and put some makeup on. I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door. I sprinted through the hallways and surprisingly made it to my first class in time. Ugh, I hate math. I had a few extra minutes to sit down and do nothing.

Robbie walked in the class room and made his way to the seat next to me. Yup. Of corse my teacher just had to put him next to me. He still had his brace but he didn't have his wheel chair. I could see him fighting the pain. I didn't look at him for the few minutes we had until the bell rang.

"Ok class, who can tell what the square root of 4 is?" My teacher asked, as I doodled in my notebook. "Mackenzie?"

"Hmm?" I hummed. "Oh I'm sorry what?"

"What is the square root of 4?" He repeated.

"Uhh 2?" I guessed. He nodded his head and wrote it on the board. I continued to doodle in my notebook. I felt someone staring at me and I looked up to see who it was. It was Robbie. He winked at me when I looked at him. I rolled my eyes and went back to doodling.

Finally the bell rang. I quickly walked out of the room and spotted my friends. I walked up to them and smiled.

"Hey guys." I greeted, still smiling.

"Hi." Ally replied. Jacob just stared at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Do you need something, Jacob?" I asked, still feeling uncomfortable. He cleared his throat, loudly.

"No um sorry." He said, looking at the ground. I turned back to Ally and she nudged me closer to Jacob.

"What?" I whispered. I looked up at my other friends and saw that they heard me whisper. "Ally, can I talk to you in private?" I pulled her farther from my friends and turned back to her.

"What?" She asked.

"What do you mean what? Why did you push me closer to Jacob?" I asked, pushing her shoulder, playfully. She looked everywhere but at me.

"I don't know what you are talking about." She exclaimed. I chuckled.

"Look, I get that Jacob likes me but I don't like him. I mean I don't like him like that." I told her. She looked at me, sadly.

"Jacob was going to ask you out today." She said. She glanced at the ground and then back up at me.

"Well I guess I'll just have to let him down easy." I pulled her back over to where they were standing when we left. They weren't there. I looked at the clock. Shit. We are going to be late.

"Come on we are going to be late." I pulled Ally through the hallways of the school. The bell rang and I was late for science again. My teacher is going to be so pissed. Ally and I awkwardly walk in the room as our teacher looks at us.

"Care to explain why you are late again? I told you that you will be getting detentions if you are late anymore." Ms. Jennings explained. I just awkwardly sit in my seat. I sighed.

"Lost track of time." I replied. She pressed her lips together.

"Mackenzie, I will see you after school." She said, turning back around.

I wanted to talk to Ally but she sat on the other side of the room. Robbie sat in front of me so I could barely see the board. Just my luck I have Robbie in every class and I sit near him in every class.

Science went by quickly and my next class was History. I hate History. I mean I don't give a shit about how the world was back then. Who does? Like for real. Ugh.

I didn't talk to any of my friends before History class. I just went straight for my class. I was the first one there and I still had 5 min to do nothing again. My teacher prepared for class as some people entered the class.

Robbie entered and smirked at me. He took his seat, of corse right next to me. I sighed and leaned back in my seat.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you talking to me?" I whispered through gritted teeth. He chuckled.

"I bet your wondering why I have this brace." He assumed. I rolled my eyes again.

"Not really." I replied as I heard the bell rang. My teacher began the lesson.

"Well your friend Louis kinda sorta beat the living shit out of me." He whispered. I laughed.

"And you don't mind admitting that you got beat up?" I asked. He shook his head and turned his attention on the teacher. I did the same.

This hour went by slow. I kept looking at the clock just waiting for the bell which is music to my ears at the end of each hour. But when it rings to start a class, it's far from me liking it.

I finally heard the bell and everyone rushed out the door and into the cafeteria. I wasn't really hungry so I just sat down next to Gabby.

"Hey Kenz." She said. I smiled at her and stared at the empty seats in front of us. Louis, Ally, and Jacob are taking long in the lunch line.

"I'm going to go get water. Wanna come with?" Gabby asked. I looked at her.

"Nah." I said resting my chin on my arms. She got up and walked over to the line. Someone sat in the seat right in front of me. I looked up to see the one and only Robbie.

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