no. 1 | catching up

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(a/n: Keep in mind, Harry and Hermione are young adults; about 20 or 21. Just to let you know.)


I let out a worried sigh as the Hogwarts Express hadn't pulled up with Harry. I forced myself to sit on the benches. I heard the distant train horn pulling up. I excitedly squeal and jump from my seat. Through the thick, cloudy windows, I could see Harry.

I waited until he was fully visible through the door. "Harry!" I shouted and ran towards him. I gave him a hug allowing his suitcase to fall out of his hands and hug back. "Hermione! Thank you again for taking me in away from the Dursleys. An entire life with them with no Hogwarts? Kill me already." Harry said as his hands retracted from the hug and onto his suitcase. I let out a soft chuckle. I called my parents to inform them and we headed back to my house.

We walked up to the front entrance with a sign above it that held ' The Grangers Household. ' As we walked in, Harry and I were greeted with the excitement of Stevie, my dog. "Hello, you little pupper." I let out and I kneeled down and petted him. I retracted from him and gave my attention to Harry. "I'll show you to your room." I said as I gave Stevie a treat. I led him up the carpeted, soft stairs and up to the guest room.

Harry's room was a blank canvas waiting to be painted on. It had a bed not too big, but perfect for Harry. "There are clothes in the closet for you and things for you to decorate your room." I exclaimed, adding a smile. I left him alone and went down the stairs.

It was 3:30 P.M. when Harry was done. We decided to take Harry to Gardeners' Grove. We slipped inside the periwinkle tinted car. Harry and I caught up with everything we've been doing.

We got inside and went to go get some food from Auntie Anne's. We stumbled upon Eve Morris, my best friend and her cousin, Shelby Cruz. (Don't attack me; I made these characters up) "Hermione!!" Eve cheered out. We shared a laugh and gave a hug. "Shelby, hey!" I turned to Shelby, giving her a hug. "You must be Harry! Hermione talks about you all the time." Eve told him, winking about me playfully. I could feel my cheeks playing. "Oh, does she?" Harry smiled. Shelby attractively says," She doesn't mention how handsome you are." Harry chuckled. I could feel myself getting envy. I told myself, Hermione. Cut it out. Harry's your best friend. Don't be jealous. Harry's tug on my shoulder snapped me out and signaled for us to go. I shared one last hug with Eve and was on my way.

I had expected less people from Hogwarts. I bumped into Luna Lovegood, but she didn't really want anything to do with us. Then, out of all the people we had to bump into, we stumble across Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.

I had a bit of a crush on him back in Hogwarts, but now, not anymore. Draco silently gagged at the sight of Harry and me. "Potter? What are you doing here? With Granger, no less. On a date?" He snorted. Before I could reply, Harry blurted out," What? Jealous, Malfoy?" I try to cover my rosy cheeks with a light giggle. "You wish, Potter! And what are you giggling about Mudb-" Before he could finish, Harry pummeled him onto the floor. "Harry! He's not worth it." I said, ripping them apart. Draco tidied himself and we went our seperate ways. I took a look back and caught Draco looking at me. I quickly turned back.

We went on a shopping spree with a
$200 limit. We bought new clothes and new, weird things to try out. Once we were done, we went to meet up with my parents and go get lunch. We finished and by the time we left Gardeners' Grove it was 6:00 P.M. We left and laughed our way back.

I opened the wood door and heard distant panting and barking down the stairs. Stevie greeted me with a jump and a bark at Harry. I chuckled and we both went up to our rooms. I closed the door and click the lock. I took off my cream coat and hung it on the hanger. I caught a glimpse of the locket Draco has given me at Hogwarts. It was a picture of Harry, Ron, and me. I smiled at the face that Ron had made. It made me wonder why he had given it to me. He hated Ron and most certainly Harry. I left it there and go inside the restroom to turn on the sterling silver faucet to release the steam and mildly hot water. I take off my clothes and get in. I let out a sigh and relax.

[ a/n: How are you guys enjoying so far? I added some Dramione scenes. I might make a Dramione FanFic. Should I? Leave your thoughts about this chapter and maybe some suggestions, I may just take them. :)

Let me know if you want me to do more Dramione scenes, even though this is a Harmione FanFic, and also let me know if I should make a Dramione one :)

-h xx ]

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