no. 11 | together at last

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It's been about 2 years now. Voldemort has died and me and Harry finished Hogwarts. We were having dinner at a restaurant with Luna, Neville, Ginny, George, Ron, my parents, Mr. And Mrs. Weasley.

"She fell and was so over dramatic!" Harry chuckled.

"Only because your robe was there!" I chuckled back.

Everyone got quiet and exchanged looks with each other except me. Harry turned towards me and stood up from his seat. He pushed away his chair and got down on one knee. He pulled out a black box and revealed a ring resembling a golden snitch. (Her ring and Harry's above)

"Hermione Jean Granger, you've made me so happy ever since we started dating. Every kiss, every cuddle we've ever had is a moment I will always cherish. There is nothing in this world that will ever stop me from loving you." Harry said.

Tears swelled up in my eyes, begging to come out.

"You've saved me so many times, supported me, cheered me up. I don't need words to describe how amazing you are. You are brilliant and a strong woman. I am forever grateful to be in your life. Thank you for everything. With that said, Hermione Jean Granger, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He finished.

I felt all eyes on me. I managed to choke out a mere yes before tears fell down and I nodded my head. He got up and placed the ring on my ring finger. I instantly kissed him, everyone's, including the restaurant's, attention was on me. We lingered the kiss for a few seconds before we pulled away. There were applauses and congratulations. Mrs. Weasley came over and hugged me. My parents congratulated me. Everyone was happy for me. I glanced at Harry and we exchanged smiles.


"Mum?" I said running downstairs seeing Harry, my mom and dad sitting at the dinner table. There were browsing through houses. I cleared my throat and they all turned around, closing the website.

"Hermione! Hey!" Harry said coming over to me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"What was that?" I said bringing up the houses.

"Oh, Luna wanted her own place and we were helping her look at some she chose." Mom explained.

I nodded and went over to Harry. Harry was watching some muggle tv.

"A sponge that can talk?" He asked me.

I chuckled and nodded. He turned the tv off and kissed me on cheek.

"What was that for?" I giggled.

"I love you." He said before another kiss on the cheek. He then placed on my lips and I returned instantly.

I got on top of him so I ended up straddling him. We snogged intensely. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I giggled at his eagerness. I accepted and we continued. It wasn't after a few minutes when my parents came in. I got off and blushed furiously.

"Harry?" Mom said motioning him to come over. He gave me a soft kiss and headed to my parents.

"We found one, Harry. You can tell her now." Dad said.

Harry nodded and came over to me holding a piece of paper.

"Hermione, we weren't looking a house for Luna. We were looking one for you. Or us." Harry said handing me a piece of paper with a beige, topey house.

It had a lot of information which I read over in a few minutes. At the bottom, it needed my signature. I smiled at Harry and gave him a kiss and signed it proudly. I gave it to my parents, who drove over to the house and talked it over with the landlord.

"Now, can we please get back to our 'discussion'?" Harry said.

I smirked and crossed my arms across my chest, teasing him. He scoffed and I started to run.

"Try and catch me!" I said.

He got up and, because he was much faster than me, he caught up with me in no time. He picked me up and brought me up to my room.

We sat down and started to kiss softly. Then, we got in a heated snogging session. In the end, our clothes ended up on the floor, although we didn't go too far.

I smiled and fell asleep on Harry's chest. He kissed the top of my forehead and we fell asleep.

[a/n: YAYYY! Update!! I'm sorry for being so distant but I'm back and possibly a new chapter will be up today as well :)]

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