no. 6 | revenge

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I woke up and Luna was combing her silvery, streaked hair. I got up and went to the restroom and tidied up. I straightened my bushy hair and put on some blush.

Luna and I headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I saw a flame, red hair girl sitting in a corner with another sun kissed hair boy. Ginny. I walked over, but then Harry pulled me aside. I pecked him and we sat down.

- after breakfast -

I scurried out quickly and went to find Ginny. I spotted the scarlet hair almost immediately.

"Ginny! Wait up!" I said running over to her pushing my hair behind my ears repeatedly.

She inhaled deeply and went inside the Gryffindor common room. I whispered the password and went inside to see a very frustrated Ginny.

"Ginny?" I asked trying not to show faulty fear.

"I thought you were my friend, 'Mione! You knew I liked Harry. You were my only friend! Aside from my brothers. That doesn't matter! You shouldn't have done that!" She snapped.

"I'm very sorry! I tried to push them aside but it didn't work! I'm such a bad friend. Please just please see things from my point of view." I pleaded.

She crossed her arms and walked to her room. I went back up to my room clutching my books. I bit my lip nervously.

"'Mione!! The winter ball is coming up! Want to go muggle shopping?" Luna exclaimed.

I smiled and hid the fear trying fight its way out.

- 3:28 P.M. -

We went dress shopping and found our dresses. We put on our dresses and started our makeup. Harry knocked on the door and we let him in.

"Luna. Can you give us a minute?" I asked tremblingly.

She nodded and left. I turned to Harry who had a huge smile on his face.

"Harry. I spoke with Ginny today. She still likes you." I said glumly.

He opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him.

"That's why we can't be together. It would crush Ginny. I need you to go with her." I said almost breaking down.

Again, he opened his mouth, but I stopped him.

"I know. We like each other, but I would be a horrible friend if I didn't think about my other friend's feelings." I continued. I shared one last kiss with him and he left. He had a glum look. I closed the door and started crying softly.

"Hermione? Oh no.." Luna said coming in.

She hugged me and made sure I didn't ruin my makeup. I went to the person I wanted to ask if I weren't dating Harry. Luna went to the ball with Neville. I made my entrance.

As I held my partner's hand, I could feel all eyes on me. I scanned around looking for a sun kissed girl and a raven haired boy. I found him arms connected with none other than, Ginny. I took in a deep breath and continued walking down. We met and had a brief talk.

"Harry, Ginny." I said casually.

"Hermione," Harry started and turned to my partner,"Oliver."

Yep. That's right. My partner was none other than the keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Oliver Wood. He knew I had a crush on Harry and went to the ball with me just as a friend. We parted ways and I went to go get a drink.

At the station, I met Ron. Of course. I smiled and he shot a disgusted glance at me. I bit my lip and headed back to Oliver.

"Hermione? I know you like Harry. I want you to promise me something. Just go after him. Sure, he might like Ginny. You can't tell me that he didn't love you." Oliver said placing a hand on my thigh.

I gave him a reassuring smile and headed to the Gryffindor common room, not expecting anyone there. I whispered the password to the fat lady and walked in. I dropped my wand and the clatter echoed through the room. Ginny was pinned against a wall by Harry. I let out a breathy sigh. I picked up my wand and ran out.

I heard someone call my name but I didn't look back. I ran all the way to the Quidditch arena. I sat down and hugged my knees and started crying. I cried and cried as the moon shone through the hole I could see. I wiped away my tears and headed back to the common room. Ginny and Harry were at a distance from each other. I walked past them quickly but felt someone hold down my wrist. I exhaled and tugged it off running to my room and locking it. I murmured a spell so that way only Luna and I could come in. I went over to Luna's table after minutes of trying to contact her. She left a note for me.

Dear Hermione,
I'm at Neville's if you are looking for me. Contact me if you need me. I hope everything is better with Harry. I love you 'Mione :)

xoxo Luna

I set it down and went to the showers. I quickly tamed my bushy hair and slipped into a jumper. I turned off the lights and headed to sleep.

[a/n: I apologize for the lack of writing. :( I've been working on a new story! For more info, head onto the most recent chapter of classy. :)

- h xx]

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